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I blinked and blinked, even rubbed my eyes behind the glasses I'm wearing in case I'm seeing it wrong.

"What the freaking hell are you two doing here?"

Nii-chan and Genos stood in front of my apartment door, the two of them holding grocery bags. Nii-chan began rubbing his neck while Genos just stared at me as if he just met me.

"Well, you've been visiting me frequently these days. I just thought to return the favor." Nii-chan said, avoiding my eyes. He held up the bag he's holding. "We'll cook lunch."

I stared at the two of them before giggling. "You two are so sweet. But I can't let you in."


I flinched at Nii-chan's shout and scratched my neck. "Well, you see, I'm kinda in the middle of my job..." I said and laughed nervously.

Nii-chan raised a brow as he gazed at me suspiciously. "What job?"

"Saki-nee-chan!" I flinched once again at the high pitched voice and turned to see a boy no older than 10 running towards me. "Saki-nee-chan, what's taking you so long? You said we're going to watch Justice Man!"

"Tareo! I told you to wait inside." I sighed.

I looked back at the two still standing behind the door and saw them looking at Tareo with scrunitizing eyes. He saw the looks given to him, making him yelp and hide behind me.

"What on earth... Is that octupus kid doing in your house?" Nii-chan asked.

I raised a brow at him. "Bold of you to say that when you're the bald one." I deadpanned at him.

Nii-chan gritted his teeth, veins on his head popping. "Why, you fuc-!" I cut him off with a upper cut, making him stumble backwards, before he could say something that can ruin this child. Genos snapped out of his trance as Nii-chan whined over biting his own tongue and went to him to check if he's alright.

I turned to Tareo and smiled down at him. "Tareo, can you go inside for a moment? I'll be there later and we'll watch Justice Man together."

His eyes twinkled and nodded energetically. "Okay!" He ran back to the living room.

I let out another sigh and looked over the two goofs. Nii-chan seemed to recover and the two walked calmly towards me.

"Well, it seems we came here for nothing, Genos." Nii-chan sighed dramatically as he held his hips. "What a shame."

"Yes. And I was actually planning to make the best curry rice to thank Ojou-sama for her kindness." Genos rubbed his chin and closed his eyes with a sigh. "I guess it can only happen in my dreams."

I rolled my eyes. I can't believe Nii-chan can pull Genos into his schemes. But considering everything that took place and Genos' great respect towards Nii-chan, I guess it can't be helped.

I shook my head at them and chuckled quietly. "Yeah, yeah, stop that pity party and come inside. No need to guilt trip me." I said and opened the door wider. "If you don't mind me babysitting Tareo while you're here, that is."

I led them inside and let them marvel my place. "Your place is nice." Nii-chan said as he look around.

I smiled warmly at him. "Thanks."

Nii-chan has only been in my apartment once. After living with him in his old apartment for a year, I contemplated moving out. I began looking for a new place, he asked to come along. I was still in college that time but I have a part-time job. We had also started that muscle training that he did, but I told him that I should also look for my own place, since I'm already 20. He agreed, saying that it can help me be more independent and steel my resolve and mind.

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