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3rd Person

Saki watched as Prisoner panted, staring at the creature with holes in every part of its body. Something shone for a moment and her brows furrowed as the monster regenerated once again.

"It's no good!" Iaian shouted beside her and stood up. "It possesses incredible regenerative powers! And don't let it hit any part of you! A single blow instantly tore my arm off." It raised a fist, preparing to punch. "Dodge it's attack at all costs!" He warned.

As Saki anticipated, it attacked but was intercepted by Silverfang and countered, sending the monster back.

Another head protruded from its head and grew batlike wings. It flew, but Metal Bat stopped it from escaping, hitting it consecutively with his bat. The parts of the head, along with a marble like thing, floated and came together to form the head once again. This didn't escape Saki's eyes, making her sigh.

"Comrades! It may be that direct physical attacks have no effect on it!" Iaian spoke up once again. "Let's withdraw for now and think of a way to destroy it, like heat or something."

But the four just continued to attack the creature, insisting that they had no more ideas how to deal with it and just goes with what they know. It made Saki chuckle as a look of disbelief and distress crossed Iaian's face.

Saki stood up and tried to calm him down. "Dude, can't you stop moving for a while and just sit? You're injured. Nothing good will come out with you continuing to shout and stress yourself." She said as the monster became whole once again. "Believe in them. They're not the best for nothing."

"Hey, wait!" The monster's voice made her turn back to the battle. She saw him looking up to their ship and when Atomic severed its head. It floated up, still staring at the ship before it returned to its body.

'What was that?' Saki raised a brow.

"You, wait here." She told Iaian, who looked at her in disbelief as she walked towards the fight.

"H-Hey!" Iaian shouted. "What do you think you're doing?! Don't interfere with them! You'll end up getting hurt!"

Saki waved a hand, not looking at him. "I'm not going to interfere. I just wanna check something out." She said.

The creature noticed Saki nearing their battle grounds. Noticing the girl's small stature and weak from, a menacing smile took over its face. Dodging an attack from Silverfang, his fingers morphed and got longer, reaching for the girl. Atomic moved out of the way, not knowing the true agenda of the monster.

"Watch out!" Iaian warned the girl, but it was too late. It had already grabbed her and its fingers slithered around her waist. She was lifted from the ground as the whip-like finger contracted back to its hand.

The creature laughed when the men stopped their attacks. They are aware that if they suddenly charge or do something that might displease it, there was a chance the it'll use Saki as a shield, or hurt her.

"What now?! What happened to all the might and persistence you've showed? Afraid that I might hurt your comrade?" The creature laughed.

Saki looked down at her form and her eyes widened when she saw something horrendous that she felt herself get pale.

"What?! Come and attack! Or this little earthling dies! Or even better, you both will!" The monster began attacking again, the men moving out of the way.

Atomic Samurai growled as he drew his sword and glared at the monster. "I told that girl to evacuate earlier! How dumb can she be to stay at this place?!"

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