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"Did we get everything?" Saitama looked around the supermarket, trying to see if something's gonna catch his eyes.

Genos stopped pushing the cart and looked around too. "I think this is all we need, Sensei." He said and looked down their cart, his optics scanning it's contents and crossing off the things he listed off his mental grocery list.

Saki, on the other hand, gripped her chin while in deep thought, her eyes scanning the area. "Hmm, I think we should get some sugar too. I remember not having my coffee sweet enough earlier that I kinda dumped what's left." She said almost casually and fished out some sugar from a shelf.

"You what?!" Saitama glared at his sister, an obvious green vein bulging from his temple.

Saki gave him a stink eye in return. "What? That coffee brand you always buy sucks and it so friggin bitter so I always have to dump like, 7 spoons of sugar."

"Seven?! Are you trying to kill yourself?!" Saitama burst out. Some people started to avoid the group of three as the siblings began bantering with each other.

Genos saw this but said nothing. Besides, this is something between his master and mistress. No one should disturb their debate over coffee and sugar. Even if someone is brave enough to separate this two, he believes that that person will have to suffer first before getting them to settle down.

"Nothing is too sweet if it doesn't make you cringe! And have you seen me cringe when I drink that coffee?"

"Like I even care when you cringe or not! And what if you suddenly got diagnosed with diabetes or something?! Do you even know how much the medications cost?"

"It's not like I chug sugar everyday! It's just your coffee's unbelievably bitter that it seems to be carrying every people's regrets!"

"No, I'm not having it!" Saitama poked her head while Saki just glared back at him. "I don't want ants having a party in my toilet when you go dump that friggin sugary-sweet piss over it!"

"Dammit, nii-chan!" Saki's face burned red as she slapped a hand over her brother's mouth.

Saitama's brows furrowed but he pulled her hand away and turned to Genos who is quietly watching them bicker. "Genos!"

The cyborg stood in attention. "Yes, Sensei?!"

"Watch out this runt's sugar intake from now on. Her sweet tooth is too much for her age. We can't have her getting sick or else we'll really end up sleeping on the streets." Saitama is now holding the smaller female in a chokehold while the latter struggles.

"Do you want me to get rid of her sweet tooth, Sensei?" Genos had a look of determination in his eyes. He can't have his master and mistress suffer over this mere case of a sweet tooth, so he racked his head to find a solution.



The two stopped their struggles as they gave Genos a questioning gaze, waiting for his reply. The cyborg clenched his hands to a fist, his eyes gleaming. Whether it's from excitement or malice, no one knows.

With voice heavy with emotion, he said with a serious face. "Let's take Ojou-sama to Dr. Kuseno. He could do a surgery to alter one's taste buds and remove the sensation of sweetness."


The two looked at him with wide eyes as if he suddenly became human again, only as a devil incarnate.

Saki began sweating and managed to break free from her brother's hold. "O-Okay sweetie, I-I think that's going too far." she chuckled nervously, bringing her hands up as if trying to calm the cyborg teen down.

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