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The automatic doors opened after Genos put in his identification code. Nii-chan went in first, me behind him and Genos and Bang on my either side. It looked like it was Nii-chan who's frequently here instead of the two Class S heroes.

"Oh ho, Silverfang!" A voice greeted us. I tiptoed to peek over Nii-chan's shoulder to see another Class S hero. What was his name again? Ugh, I sounded like Nii-chan now. 'But I'm pretty sure he has the word 'samurai' on his hero name.' I thought as my eyes landed on the sheathed sword strapped on his waist.

"It's been a while, Atomic Samurai." Bang greeted as he stepped forward. Ohhh!! That's it! Atomic Samurai! 'I knew he has samurai on his name.'

I went to step between Nii-chan and Genos, gripping at former's cape. "I knew you'd come." Atomic said with a smile before looking at Genos. "And this is the cyborg Genos and..." He trailed off when his eyes landed on us. He raised a brow. "Hm? Who's this?"

I gave him a nervous smile as Bang went to introduce us. "This is the Class B hero Saitama and Class A hero Casual Passerby." I flinched when he mentioned my hero name. Really, that name is so cringy. I wonder who really came up with that hero name. I have so many questions to ask him. They could've called me The Stranger or something much cooler or catchy but nooope, they went with Casual Passerby.

"Their exceptional talent will one day place them atop Class S. I'm sure, so we asked them to come." Bang said, gesturing to the two of us.

I stepped forward and bowed. "It's a pleasure to be in your presence." I smiled politely.

"Hi, middle-aged hero dude! Put it 'ere!" Nii-chan greeted, his voice a little enthusiastic, but my knees almost buckled at what he called Atomic Samurai. I bit the inside of my lip to avoid laughing and masked it with a cough, earning me a look from Genos.

I blinked and gasped quietly when Atomic lightly slapped his outstretched hand. "No handshakes. I acknowledge only the strong." He said, a mocking smile on his lips. "Once you've climbed up to Class S, I'll greet you properly. Besides, I'm not middle-aged yet. I'm only 37." Atomic added as he walked away.

Nii-chan very subtly leaned on me and whispered on my ear. "37 isn't middle-aged? I had no idea..." He said, sounding serious.

That did it. I snorted and fell into a fit of giggles, making Genos and Bang give us confused looks. I leaned forward and whispered back.  "Nah, he is middle-aged. He's just in the in-denial stage." I giggled and he just raised a brow at me.

Our little conversation was cut short when a voice caught our attention. "Hey, who brought a Class B and Class A nobody along? Don't you think it's beneath us?" The two of us looked at the source to see a familiar green haired girl with her hands on her hips. Ohhh, now that one, I know the name. It was Tornado, I believe.

"And even if you were invited, a polite person would decline. The nerve! I bet you're only here for some creepy reason like getting close to us Class S heroes." She ranted. Nii-chan and I just looked at her as Genos and Bang began walking once again, ignoring the girl. I can't help but just blink at what she was saying. Like, should we just ignore her like what the other two did? Probably Nii-chan will. He's expert in that field.

Tornado pointed a finger at us, her eyes sharp. "You two disgust me. Leave."

'Uhhh, wHaT?'

I looked at Nii-chan for some kind of understanding to see him staring at the Class S hero like she's a weirdo who popped out of nowhere.

"W-What's with this... " Nii-chan trailed, sending a questioning look at Genos as he pointed accusingly at Tornado. "Sassy, lost child?" he finished.

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