|7|Well Shit|7|

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|Bakugou's POV|

Dammit! That nerd almost got me in trouble!

 Aizawa crumbled up the paper we had been writing on and threw the paper across the room. I heard Dunce Face from across the room go 'OOOOHHHHHH!!!!!' once the paper went into the trash can. Aizawa looked over to the idiot and glared at him.

Suddenly, something flew over my head and onto my desk.

I wanted to know when we should hang out like that again.

What was this idiot doing?! He's gonna get us in trouble again!

What the fuck do you think you're doing Deku!? You're gonna get us in trouble, again!

I'm sorry! Just please answer my question!

Jeez, like I know when we should hang out! If you don't remember, I'm supposed to play the roll as your bully! What would these other losers think if we started hanging out more?

I'm sorry, Kacchan. It was a stupid question.

Yeah, it was! now stop passing notes!

I threw the paper just for Aizawa to get it instead.

"What did I say, you two? Lunch detention for both of you." He ordered.

"What the hell?! It's not my-"

"Bakugou I'm done explaining.... I don't get paid enough for this..."

Great, Deku you got me fucking in trouble.

Once the school bell rang, basically the whole class crowded me and Deku.

"Hey! Get the hell off of me or I'll blow all your faces off!" A few people backed off but were still staring.

"Bakubro, what's up with you today?" Shitty hair asked me.

"What is that supposed to mean!?"

"Like, you and Midoriya?"

"Nothing's different about that nerd and me!"

"Alright then." He said as he backed away to talk with some other losers.

Deku walked up to me.

"H-Hey, Kacchan. I-Im so sorry about the notes! I shouldn't have continued and waited to ask you about it later, but I didnt. I'm sorry!"

"Jeez, will you stop apologizing and just shut up!"


Hey guys. Thanks for reading this chapter. I'm suffering from a bit of writer's block, but I'm trying to get out more chapters. So that's why this chapter is shorter that the others.

You Hate Me, Right? ||Kacchan x Deku|| [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now