|8|Lunch Detention|8|

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|Deku's POV|

I felt really bad for getting Kacchan in trouble. 

"I don't know why I decided to continue passing notes, it's not like me to go against what a teacher tells me to do. Maybe instead I should have-"

"Would you shut up and stop muttering, nerd?!"

"Y-Yes! Sorry, Kacchan." Oops, I gotta control myself from always doing that.

"Get off to lunch." Aizawa groaned. "As for you two; You need to stay in the classroom for all of lunch. Instead of me staying in here to go over what we talked about, I'm gonna give you this worksheet. I want my lunch break unlike you two." He handed us each a worksheet that went over the lesson.

"I can't believe I have to do this damn thing." Kacchan retorted.

"You have to do it weather you like it or not. Now get to work." Aizawa then left the classroom, leaving us to work.

"Is he an idiot? Doesn't he know we could just work on the damn worksheet together and he'd never know?" Kacchan commented.

"W-Well, would y-you want to work together?"

"... No way in hell, nerd!"

"I see.."

We sat down at our seats and worked. I was wondering on question eight if I was correct.

"Hey, K-Kacchan? Do you have the answer for question eight, I want to make sure I'm correct.."

"Why the fuck would I tell you?"

"..Can you please help m-me?"

He sighed. "...Fine.. It says, If there was an explosive triggered door to a villains hide out, what is the best way to get through?"

"I just put down that you could find a way around through a window or a separate door. I also put down that if you were with a group, you could use other people's quirks to the group's advantage. I wrote also that you could find a way to dig underground." I informed.

"Of course you wrote down three damn things.. I wrote that I could use my quirk to explode through the wall."

"But wouldn't that set off the explosive device? If there was a hostage inside, they could get hurt or worse."

"Well, I could still get through and destroy the villain!"

"It's not just about apprehending the villain. You need to rescue the people before anything else."

"But you need to get the damn villain!"

"All Might would save the hostage before anything else..."

"What the hell are you muttering about?!"

"Nothing Kacchan..."

Time seemed to never pass. I finished the worksheet fast so mostly it was just an awkward silence between me and Kacchan.

"Hey, Deku?" Kacchan said out of no where. I was surprised by Kacchan saying something out of no where I almost fell out of my chair.

"Y-Yeah, Kacchan?"

"I just wanted to say..."

He was silent for couple seconds.

"I just wanted to say, thanks, for yesterday. It was... Nice, of you to do that for me.. For my birthday that is.."

I smiled. He was actually pretty sweet-

"But I swear if you mention this to anyone I'm gonna fucking murder you!"

Never mind. But I guess he was stills sweet nonetheless.

"Haha!" I giggled. "it's no problem Kacchan! I just like to do nice things like that for people. And, if it makes you happy, I won't mention this to anyone."

"....... T-Thanks..." He kinda stuttered. He would probably be offended if I said he was cute, but he was.

"To bad I was here then. Not much of a secret." Someone said walking through the door.

"A-Ashido?" I looked from Kacchan to the door seeing Mina Ashido walk in.

"Why the fucking hell are you here, Raccoon Eyes!?" Kacchan yelled.

"I said I needed to use the restroom. And then I went to the classroom instead to make sure you guys weren't going to murder each other. But, to my surprise; you two were getting along great."

"You better not fucking tell anyone-"

"Almost as if a romance was blossoming."

Bakugou shut up. And fast. It was weird to see the loudest person get quiet so fast.

"M-Me? With this loser n-no way in hell."

"Then why are you stuttering?"

"....Kacchan, she's just joking. Calm d-down." I said, trying to stop an explosion from killing me or Ashido.

"I-" He started

"Well, I should get back to the cafeteria before they suspect me for being gone to long. Take care love birds. Can't keep a secret from me for long!" And with that, she left. Leaving both Kacchan and me in silence.

Kacchan and me in a relationship?


That would never happen.



You Hate Me, Right? ||Kacchan x Deku|| [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now