Silence And Thoughts.

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Silence And Thoughts is a small compilation of the poetry I've written.

The poems range from love, heartbroken to personification and descriptive weather and other various subjects.

It also deals with various different forms of poetry that I'm experimenting with.

Silence and Thoughts is inspired by my wild midnight thoughts that I've tried to tame and fit to words. Those words which are laced with emotions that drip down and shine in my eyes.

The first writing piece I ever wrote was a poem but along the years I got lost in the world of writing stories (which I still do). But I found the 'poet'  in me again when I was inspired by aspiring writers like me to try it.

I love writing poems as much as I love writing short stories and fan fictions and novellas.

Silence and Thoughts is the first ever book that I've created for my poems.

~ Saloni.

Date: 9 July 2018.

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