Part 9

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It was a month before Sarah was due and she was very uncomfortable and felt huge. She spent a lot of the days alone cause of Bucky's summer football practice schedule was grueling. He hated leaving her alone with her getting close to her due date but she told him it was fine that she would be ok. He would always come home from practice to find her asleep on the couch or in the bed. 

One night that he didn't have football practice she was laying in on the couch in between his legs and he was feeling the baby move around she said "James I need to tell you something." 

"What?" he said to her 

"I don't want you to look when the doctor tells you to look." she said 

"What are you talking about baby?" he said to her

She sat up and said "The doctor is going to tell you to look when his head comes out I don't want you to look please James." 

"Baby I want to why don't you want me to look." he said to her

"Cause I don't want you to faint or be tramautized or I'm afraid that you won't want me anymore." she said 

"Baby no.I love you and I want you. Nothing is going to change that not even you pushing our son out of you. I know how it works baby believe I know how it works they made us watch a birth video in health class senior year." he said to her as he kissed her 

"You are having my son my little football player. And I want to see him to come into this world I will be fine." he said to her as he laid his hand on her belly and pressed his forehead against hers.

"I'm really hungry baby." she whispered 

He started laughing and said "Lord when are you not hungry here lately." he helped her up and made them pizzas. 



Sarah was cleaning the apartment and getting everything set up in the 2nd bedroom of her apartment for the baby. She kept having contractions all day and she just hoped that he would wait to come till Bucky got out of practice she really didn't want to have to call Winnie cause she knew that was her only option was to call her and have her come get her. She was in the nursery folding clothes when she started to feel the contractions get closer. 

She whispered "Josh baby daddy isn't home yet please wait till daddy gets home." 

She laid her head on the dresser and she moaned in pain. She started to cry and realized this was happening rather she wanted it to happen her way or not. She went out to the living room and found her cellphone. She called Winnie

"Hey Winnie...mmmm oh god I need you to come I'm in labor and James is at football practice." she said through the pain

"oh god honey I will be right there. Do you have coach's number." Winnie said as she started to leave her house.

"No I don't oh god please hurry." she said 

Winnie called Joe at the shop and said "Call the football coach at NYU Sarah's in labor and James is at practice." 

"OK I will and I will meet you at the hospital." Joe said 

Joe called Coach." Hey Coach Samuels this Joe Barnes..Bucky Barnes' dad I need you deliver a message to him. Tell him his fiancée is in labor and he needs to get to the hospital now." 

"Yes sir I will tell him." Coach Samuels said 

"BARNES!!" Coach yelled 

"You are dismissed it seems your little one is on the way." he said to Bucky as he walked over to him

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