Some random shit....

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Jerome: we haven't been getting questions lately and we need some!

Mitch: yeh.... We have to have something to do!

Jerome: *smirks* we do have something to do....

Mitch: *blushes massively* J-Jerome!

Jerome: *laughs* Just kidding... *kisses his cheek*

Mitch: *chuckles* Yeh....

Jerome: *whispers in his ear* unless you don't want it to....

Mitch: JEROME! *pushes him*

Jerome: *laughs harder*

Kila: *walks in* sup!

Jerome: Hi Kila

Mitch: Hia!

Kila: I have something to say.... *turns to all the people*

Ok so Merome are engaged and it awesome!

Jerome: yep!

Mitch: *blushes* yeh....

Kila: so if this book gets 5 more questions and 1000 reads than the Wedding will be made! *smiles* I hope we get to do this! *puts arms out* And you are welcome to join.

Jerome: •_•" Uhhh... We where just going to invite friends

Kila: *still smiling and talks through her teeth* Jerome shut up!

Mitch: *laughs*

Kila: But yeh! This will be an awesome step for Ask Merome! I thank all of you for the support, followers, and over all reading this!

Mitch: Thank you everyone! *smiles and waves*

Jerome: Thanks!


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