CandyGaming's Question / Dare

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Q for Mitch: What happened to Katniss Everdeen?

Q for Jerome: *Hands RAW fish* Do you want it? :3

Dare for Jerome: Dress up as katniss and kiss Mitch, then run. :D

Mitch: She is still awesome but I'm Jeromes Benja! *kisses him*

Jerome: Yep!

Jerome: ........ *takes it* ....... *hands it back* ......

Mitch: oh great you broke him.....

Jerome: *sighs* ..... Fine.... *dresses up at katniss* MITCH?

Mitch: *walks in not seeing jerome* Hm?

Jerome: *grabs Mitch and kisses him for a few seconds and then runs*

Mitch: *shock* W-What just happened? ...... •\\\\\\\\\•

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