(( not an update but a story .3. ))

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Yeh sorry for the lack of updates and such but I wrote a little story for you guys! Hope you all enjoy!!!!!

And yeh I know that's it's November but you know what? I like Chrismas xD

Theme: Christmas Romance



Mitch's POV-

My body shivered as I walked through the snow covered streets of Minecraftia. People where scattered around going in and out of shops, talking, and having a good time. I heard a group of what I saw as High Schoolers singing Christmas carols.

I smiled slightly. Christmas has always been my favorite time of year. Ever since I was little.

I stopped walking for a minute and closed my eyes, the smile still on my face. I took a deep breath in and out, opening my eyes to see my breath floating into the air.

The bags that where around my arms where starting to get heavy. I had gotten food for tonight and some presents for friends. But overall, three bags where heavy when they are filled with stuff.

I continued walking. From the small market/stores, walking to and from wasn't much of a big deal to be honest. It's only about three or four blocks away. (and not the minecraft ones XDDDDD .3. ) So it's not that bad.

I could see our house from a distance, smoke still flowing out the chimney. Me and my husband, Jerome, have lived in that house for what? Two years now? I smiled as I got up to the wooden door. I gently set down the bags and with my cold, probly frost bitten, hands, dug into my pockets and pulled out the house keys.

I opened the fairly large door and pulled the bags in, setting them next to the door, and hanging up my jacket and scarf.

"Hey Biggums! I'm home!" I called walking into the living room, shaking a bit.

As I expected, a wood burning fire was heating the living room. And there, on the couch, was Jerome. Sleeping.

I chuckled and poked him. "Jeroooome.... Jeroooooooome..." I whispered, smiling.

I heard a mumble and I saw him open his eyes. "Hey love... Back early?" He asked, sitting up, running his eyes. I nodded and smiled. "I got everything." I said, sitting on his lap and burrowing my head into his chest. I hear him chuckle and I felt his lips on the top of my head.

I looked up and kissed him. He pulled me closer and kissed back, a smile on his face.

I pulled away, losing my breath, and placed my head back onto his chest and stared at the fire that was keeping us warm.

This is defiantly going to be the best Christmas ever.....

((So, what did you guys think? Should I do a part two? You guys decide! That's all for now! Byyyyyeeee!!!! :D ))

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