SydneyHazCookies's Question And Dare!

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Question: Have you ever had sex?

Dare: I dare Mitch to do the Cinnimon Challage and Jerome to do the satine cracker challange


Both: *faces turn bright red* Uhhhhhh....... Yes


Mitch: Ill go first! *takes a teaspoon of cinnimon* 3.....2.....1 *puts into his mouth and imeadtly spits it out* *coughing and runs to the kitchen*

Jerome: Ok then.... my turn! 

Mitch: *in the kitchen* IT BUUUUUURNS *the sound of the water foset being turned on*

Jerome: XDDDDDD ok *starts eating the staltines* *on the thrid one* Uhhhhhhhhhh i need water! 

Kila: Nope. 

Jerome: ;A; *runs to the kitchen* *starts drinking water* I DONT CARE 


Kila: Welp thats all! Bye!

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