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Deidara's POV

Tobi is annoying, such an annoyance in my life. It's only been in an hour since his arrival and I'm losing hope fast, it's even worse than that "Is This Loss?" meme.

He's always going "DEIDARA-SENPAI THIS, DEIDARA-SENPAI THAT", a constant "SENPAIIII" in his whiny childish voice down every hall I go. I swear Danna is looking down on me with that emotionless puppet look from above, definitely putting shame upon me.

Why won't he die by being sacrificed to Jashin, hmm?

Or even get burned to death with Itachi's amaterasu?

What pisses me off his goddamn mask! We all have faces and we're supposed to show them so we can be recognized by our partner, un!

Great, now I sound all bratty and shit.

Danna used to call me 'brat'..

Pull yourself together Deidara, you are officially over Sasori as of today. No more time shall be given towards the scorpian since he didn't ever care about you.

Geez, I'm a mess.

Now that I think about it, I think Tobi used to hang out with Zetsu originally, right? Maybe he knows a thing or two about Tobi and why he hides his face..

I stumble out of my room and down the stairs, I look up and see Zetsu. The guy I needed to see. I rush up to the venus-flytrap looking creature and take a seat next to him.

"Oi Zetsu, tell me EVERYTHING I need to know about Tobi, un.", I demand the black-white plant-like creature as he stares at me awkwardly.

Wow. I never put much thought into this but he's black, white and asian (Japanese to be exact). Zetsu really be breaking stereotypes, un.

"Why would you want to know Deidara?", the black-half of Zetsu asks. I shrug and cross my arms over my chest.

"I just want to know more about him and why he acts like a fucking child, un."

"Well, Tobi..", White Zetsu begins, he stops to think for a moment. "He's.. uhh.. An overly excited person."

"Weird, a mental four year old."

"I mean not all that bad.. He likes dango, dango and making new friends."

"That's complete bullshit, dango is everything."

"There are a few things you shouldn't know but I'm sure he'll tell you eventually.", white half of Zetsu says lastly. "Asides, it looks like he trusts you so his facade will break."

Facade..? What facade?

"Dango.. Food."

"Great, now we're hungry.", Zetsu sighed as he walked away. "Sorry Dei."

"Uh.. Thanks Zetsu, un. I guess.", I mumble before walking back up the stairs.

Well, he wasn't any help. But a few things I shouldn't know about that guy? What is there to hide asides his face, we share everything from embarrassing moments to weird people we've dated in this organization..

Ah, whatever, I'll find out someday.

"Deidara-senpai!!", Tobi's obnoxious voice rings through my ears, I twitch and turn to face him.

"Yes Tobi, un?", I say as I force a smile.

"We've got a mission!!!"

"Already, hm?", I reply but the only thing I could think of was the 'facade' Zetsu mentioned. "That's - uh - great to hear Tobi, un."

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