Chapter 9

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I got to go home today from the hospital. I was very depressed losing 2 people I love. I was still crying. At least I know my little princess is with her daddy. I just wish I could have got to see her.

Taylor rapped his arms around my waist and put his chin on my shoulder.
"Are you okay?" he asked me. I knew he was trying to make me feel better. "Taylor not right now!" I said. "huh? I guess I'll just leave you alone then..." he said confused.

I just wanted to be alone. I told Taylor to take Greyson some where to play so I can be alone. He said he was going to Dillion's. I went to the bathroom and put my back against the wall and slid down to the floor. I put my head in my knees and my arms around my legs.

I got up and looked into the mirror. I had tear stains on my cheeks. I still was crying. I opened a drawer and found my old friend. My blade. I looked at my wrist and put the blade on top of it. I had 8 cuts on my wrist. The blood was over flowing.

I sat back down by the wall. I cried and watched the blood drip off of my arm. 1 hour went by and I blacked out.

Taylor's POV
When I got back from Dillion's I couldn't find Harley. I looked everywhere! The bathroom light was on. The door was locked. "HARLEY! OPEN THE DOOR!! HARLEY!!" I yelled.

I called 9-1-1. They said they would be here as soon as they can. I texted Jack. He said he would be here in a second. Few minutes later cop car, fire truck, and an ambulance were in the front yard. The doctors came rushing in. So did the firemen.

The firemen toor down the door. Greyson looked so confused. The doctors got her on a gurney and put her in the ambulance. Me, Greyson, and Jack got in the ambulance with her. She had dry blood on her arm and cuts. She cut again!

We got to the hospital and rushed her into a room. I tried following but nurses were pushing me back. I sat in a chair crying. Greyson looked worried. "Where are dey taking mummy?" Greyson asked us.

I didn't want to tell him anything. A doctor came towards us. I got worried she wasn't gonna make it. "Mr. Gilinsky and Mr. Caniff, Harley has not much blood left in her body. She might not make it. We are trying our best to keep her alive." The doctor said.

I cried. Jack cried. Greyson was scared. The doctor walked away from us. 1 day past by and we still weren't aloud in the room. A nurse came to us. "I'm sorry to tell you this but Harley Gilinsky past way. I'm so sorry." the nurse said.

I dropped down to my knees and cried. Jack cried into his hands. Greyson was asleep in a chair. How am I going to tell him he doesn't have a mommy anymore.

This was the hardest chapter to write! I'm crying! it's so sad!!

Taylor's baby {Taylor Caniff imagine} *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now