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Cerise stared up into the eyes. She didn't feel the terror that she felt when she met the bear. She wasn't fazed at all. She wasn't terrified because she knew those eyes. She knew them all too well.

She knew the scent, it brought up memories of high school. Of the Bookball team. Of her crush.

"Step into the light." She weakly commanded.

The figure reached for a torch from the wall and held it up to his face.

Cerise didn't flinch.

Her suspicions were now confirmed. The creature was in fact, Daring Charming. Cerise looked up at Daring. A normal person probably wouldn't have recognized him. But Cerise did. Even though he was in a beast form, he was still Daring.

The same beautiful steel gray eyes. The same scent. The same smile. Though right now, he wasn't smiling.

"How did you find this place?" He asked rather harshly.

She tried to stand up but stumbled back to the ground. "I didn't mean to. It just happened." She knew that was a lame excuse, but it was the truth.

He raised an eyebrow at her, questioning her story.

Does he not recognize me? She thought. That's when she realized her hair was still white, she still had the fangs and claws, she also figured that she still had the gold eyes. "Why didn't I change back?" She mumbled under her breath.

"What happened to you?" He asked helping her up.

"I had a run in with a bear." She laughed weakly.

His eyes got big when he realized that she wasn't kidding. He carefully reached for her and picked her up bridal style. On a normal day, Cerise would've protested; but she was so exhausted that at this point she was grateful that he picked her up.

He started to walk up a grand staircase that was directly behind the entrance. Her eyes darted around trying to take in the castle. Even though it was hard to see in the dark, she could tell that it was probably pretty in the daylight.

Awkward silence filled the space around them. Daring didn't dare talk, and Cerise was at a loss for words. So she just kept her mouth shut and let him carry her.

Once at the top of the stairs they reached a hallway. He began walking down it. After a few minutes they reached a door with a large rose engraved on it. Daring stopped and looked at it.

And that's when it hit Cerise. Rosabella hadn't showed up yet. Daring was here fulfilling his destiny, and who knew what she was doing. Cerise started to feel bad for Daring as he walked away from the door.

How long had he been stuck like this? She began to wonder.

She snapped out of her thoughts when he suddenly stopped. He turned around and headed toward the first door. He opened the rose door and walked inside. Cerise gasped upon seeing it.

It was the most beautiful room she had ever seen. "This room is bigger than my entire house." She whispered. Daring chuckled.

To the left of the room was a giant bed with curtains draped overhead. Next to that was a small desk and chair. The desk was set up next to a huge window that overlooked the gardens. To the right, was a grand fireplace and a sitting area that included a pair of chase lounges and a table.

It was the fanciest thing Cerise had ever laid eyes on. And this was saying something, because she had spent a lot of time at the Charming Family Castle.

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