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Please read. 


As Wattpad user @BehindtheNiqab has helpfully pointed out to me, some people have voiced their concern that my story has apparent similarities to to her own, bearing the same title.

I would like to say right now that I am not copying her ideasAll ideas are originally my own and that is why this book is under copyright. Each character is mine and not based off of any other fictional character.

If you had read the author's notes I put at the end, I've stressed that Lydia and Adam are characters of my own creation, and slightly based off of people in real life. 

Some plot lines I have taken from TV show characters and books that I have read a while back, and  ideas and logic have stuck with me, such as If I Lie by Corrine Jackson, The Story of Us by Taylor Swift and obviously, Skinny Love by Birdy. This is the only "plagiarism" I'm guilty of.

Any similarities that have taken place in both books, which is in the external link, are purely coincidental, because I can promise you, despite whether you believe me or not, that I have never read her story before I started writing my own. 

As I'm reading it now, I can see the similarities and I understand why some of @BehindtheNiqab 's friends and followers and such would be concerned but I am honestly (and I can't stress this enough) that if I was using her plot lines, I would say so. I would have also gotten permission to use it, which I didn't because I didn't plagiarize of any form.

I'm mentioning this now because I don't want this to get out of hand and for people to make mountains out of molehills.

I've been really stressed lately, so it would help if we could accept that both our stories are original and different, despite what is said.

This story is very personal to me and I love it, probably more than anything I have ever written but if something like this happens again, I will not hesitate to take this story down. No matter how much I love it.  It would be like a gunshot to my dignity, and God knows how much that has happened to me. 

Thank you,


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