Chapter 43

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Sam managed to help Gabriel into a seated position, because even if he's just using the floor and the wall as a chair, it's probably much more comfortable than lying on his back and staring at the ceiling. That's about all the help the angel gets.

The two sit in silence, with Sam reading a book on his computer and Gabriel doing whatever he can without moving or using his powers. Sam doesn't even glance over at him. He's just going to stand guard and make sure Gabriel doesn't do anything stupid. He didn't sign up for any more than that.

Gabriel seemed content with sitting in silence at first, but after a few hours, he changes his mind. "Hey, Sam?"

Sam sighs and looks over at him. "Yeah?"

"Are you mad at me for something?"

Sam shrugs. "Nope." He looks back down at his computer to keep reading. It's not even a very interesting read, but it's all he's got.

"That was a very passive aggressive 'nope' for not being mad at me," Gabriel remarks.

Sam doesn't dignify that with a response.

"This is usually where you'd start doing your touchy-feely crap and assure me that you're not mad, you're just preoccupied with something, and then probably spend ten minutes explaining what that thing is," Gabriel informs him.

"Is it?" Sam says halfheartedly, not taking his eyes off his computer.

Gabriel groans. "Enough with the silent treatment. Either tell me why you've suddenly gone mute, or just leave."

"I'm just here to make sure you don't break anything," Sam says. "I don't really want to talk."

"Are you still mad about the 'faking my death' thing?" Gabriel asks. "'Cause that wasn't meant for you. You can't blame me for you two muttonheads taking that case."

"No, honestly, I really don't care," Sam says, and he's not lying. He's over that.

"Well, you're mad at me for something," Gabriel says. "I can't fix the problem when you won't tell me what the problem is."

"There's no problem," Sam says, his attention almost fully on his laptop.

"Is it 'cause I basically said you mean nothing to me?" Gabriel asks.

"No, but now I'm curious how you would have reacted that if I said yes," Sam says.

"Me too, Sammy," Gabriel says. "Me too."

"Don't call me Sammy," Sam says absentmindedly, almost out of habit.

"Alright, Samquatch," Gabriel says with a teasing smile.

Sam finally looks up from his computer, exasperated.

"I know, bad name," Gabriel says. "If you gave me another couple seconds, I could've come up with something better." He pauses, then says, "Samwich. That's so obvious; how was that not my first choice?"

"Are you done?" Sam asks, bored.

"Wow, Sammy, you're so lame today," Gabriel says.

"Tragic," Sam deadpans.

"I might as well just leave," Gabriel says. "I think the street rats would have a better sense of humor that you."

Sam waves him off. "Bye, then."

Gabriel scoffs. "Okay, that was kind of hurtful."

Gabriel pushes himself to his feet with a small groan. He walks over to Sam, leaning against the table in front of him.

"Hey, Sammy, what's new?" Gabriel says.

Sam just shoots him a glare.

"Okay, I'm sorry," Gabriel says, sounding completely sincere until he finishes, "I mean 'hey, Samwich, what's new?"

Sam's eyes scan his body for a moment. He's standing. He looks like he can walk with ease. He seems almost normal.

"Why are you still here?" Sam asks.

That seems to take him by surprise. Gabriel opens his mouths, but, with the exception of a few confused noises, he doesn't say anything at first.

Sam raises an eyebrow, his arms crossed over his chest.

"I thought I was invited?" Gabriel says uncertainly. "I mean, you did say —"

"But why did you come back?" Sam asks. "Why do you keep coming back, when you know you're just going to leave again?"

Gabriel cocks his head to the side. "Wow, Sam, if I didn't know you, I would've said you were getting sentimental."

"I'm getting frustrated," Sam deadpans. "Not the same thing."

"Don't blame that on me," Gabriel says. "I haven't messed with you muttonheads in years."

"You —" Sam cuts himself off with a shake off his head.

"You gonna finish that sentence, or...?" Gabriel prompts.

Sam doesn't answer, and Gabriel is left trying to figure it out on his own.

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