Untitled Part 2

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I roll over in bed as I hear my alarm going off. The thought of starting yet another school year makes me want to curl up into a ball and never leave my bed again. Two more years, I have two years left before I can escape. I sigh and reach out from under my flimsy blanket to turn my annoying alarm off. I then roll over and try to go back to sleep. I think I've gotten away with it before I hear my older brother Liam banging on my door.

"Louis, buddy get up" He yells as he bangs loudly.

I groan.

"Don't make me come in there Lou, I will pour more than just cold water on you this time" Liam yells as he walks away from my door.

Liam is my older brother by four years, it's just us two and my dad. Our mum left two years ago, she ran off with some guy she met and we haven't heard from her since, for all we know she could be dead. My dad didn't take her leaving him too well at all, he has turned into an alcoholic, he does drugs and gambles like there is no tomorrow. He has also become really abusive both emotionally and physically towards me. Liam is like the golden child, can never do anything wrong, but not me. According to my dad I'm a complete and utter looser who will never amount to anything. He always makes sure Liam isn't around when he rounds on me, he waits until I'm alone and then he abuses me. He constantly tells me I'm the reason that mum left and that I'm a worthless fag. When Liam is around though he just goes on and on about how amazing Liam is and how proud he makes him. Liam just smiles and nods and tries to tell dad about how well I'm doing at football and stuff but he never listens, just tells Liam that I'll never be as good at football as him.

Liam is a great brother and I trust him more than anything, he only sticks around home because of me. He won't leave me alone with dad, he knows what dad does to me. Liam would never hurt me and is always looking out for me. When mum first left, dad would just abuse me emotionally but ever since I came out as gay a year and a half ago, dad has been getting physical with me. Hitting, pushing, punching and kicking me to name a few. He has given me some really bad beatings and sometimes he lets his friends join in too. There have been a few close calls where I've needed medical attention, Liam is always good at giving the hospital an excuse though and they haven't asked any questions so far. Liam is never around when it happens dad makes sure of that, but Liam knows what goes on and he always looks after me and makes sure I'm okay when he gets home.

Liam is in his last year of university and has lots of good friends, he decided to stick around Doncaster to go to uni so I wouldn't be left alone. He is studying law and has big plans for after he graduates, he will do great things, I know it. Liam has been talking to a lawyer about getting custody of me so we can move out and be safe as there are still two years before I can legally move out by myself. Dad would never let me and Liam move away together now, as much as he hates me, being his punching bag seems a more filling role for me in his eyes. He also doesn't see what he does as wrong, he thinks it's completely justified to beat the shit out of me because I'm worthless and fags should be taught a lesson.

I roll reluctantly out of Bed, which is really a dingy mattress on he floor and change into my old black skinny jeans that are far to big because they are Liam's hand me downs and a navy blue T-shirt. I never have new clothes, we don't have much money. Dad threw his job in when mum left and just lazes around with his mates all day smoking and drinking. Our house Is a complete dog box and in complete disrepair. Liam and I are pretty much left to look after ourselves and although Liam makes sure I'm okay and I'm clothed, he also has a life. He is 21 and popular, he has a girlfriend Sophia and a best mate named Zayn and not to mention lots of study to do. Zayn is always around Liam and is a really nice guy too, he looks tough but inside he is a complete softy, well when it comes to me anyway. Zayn is also gay like myself and knows how hard it can be with homophobic parents. Zayn has become involved with my best friend Niall and they are pretty serious about each other. They are really cute together and I hope I can be as happy as they both are with someone, someday.

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