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3rd person POV
Lance and Keith look over at the coffee machine when the heard loud beeping. Keith walked over to it and put the coffee in two cups and added a few ingredients, then handed one to Lance. They walked into the lounge area again and sat down in the couch drinking the fresh coffee. "So what do you want to talk about?" Lance asked breaking the silence. "I don't know, out of every anime oh have ever watched, which is your favorite?" Keith asked. "Why do you assume I have watched anime?" Lance questioned back. "Because you have a big family there is no way you have not seen at least one!" Keith said trowing his arms in the air. "True, my favorite is Attack on Titans. What about you?" He said in response. "The same actually." Keith agreed. "Why is it so cold?" He continued talking. "I don't know. It's never this cold. Let me call Pidge up and ask if she knows." Lance responded.
Pidge's POV
I received a call from lance so I picked it up. "Hey lance how is it going are you and Keith snuggling I mean becoming friends hehe." I said. "Oh so you made it could in a horrible attempt to make me and Keith cuddle. TURN UP THE HEAT!!!" Lance yelled at me trough the call. "Well I will make my ship work no matter what. I have eyes on you. I put cameras everywhere so I will make it as cold as I want until I get what I want." I stated, I will make them freeze to death if I have to because once I ship it there is no going back.
3rd person POV
Keith and Lance felt like they was going to freeze. They had also just got in a fight about the whole cuddling thing. And so they thought there was know way it was going to happen. "Go get all the blankets." Lance demanded while trying to warm himself up. Keith ran to every room and gathered as many as possible. They split them evenly and started to become warm. Once Pidge saw this trough the cameras she made it 34 times colder. That's when they ran out of ideas on how to warm up.
A/N: yaya it was a short chapter, whatever. Time to write another. Btw it is freezing in my house right now.

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