11/(i dont go by chapters really)

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Sorry but before I begin. IM BACK! And still hate life as usual. It's been kinda tough on me recently and it is almost 1am I also have school in the morning. Also if I made Allura die soon would u guys (that even still read this) be mad???
3rd person pov
        Lance was nervously walking around the castle for Keith to get back. Earlier that day Shiro and Keith went out so some place to find out more about his past and stuff. But, that was hours ago and all Lance could do was worry. Allura walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Lance, calm down it shall be ok. I doubt anything major could have happened." She said in a calming voice. As if on cue like some romance movie thing, Shiro walked in. "Hey guys, some stuff happened and Keith is pretty worn out, so let him rest." Then again as if on cue. Keith walks In all beaten up and worn out. "KEITH ARE YOU OK!?!?!?!!" Lance yelled flipping his lid at the looks of Keith all hurt and tiered. "Lance. I need to be alone for a little please." He said not looking at anyone. "But, Kei-" Lance starts but was interrupted by Keith. "NO. Lance just leave me alone." He shot Lance a quick, pain filled look. But what bothered Lance the most was it wasn't physical pain that was bothering Keith, the look he shot Lance was filled with emotional pain. He doesn't want his boyfriend filling that way. He wanted to know why Keith feels that way. But he could tell he needed to be alone. Later that night Keith was woken by a nightmare. Lance came running in his room seconds later. "Keith are you ok!?! I heard you yelling." Keith hadn't even realized he yelled. All he could do was give a shocked expression. Lance then walked over and pulled Keith into a hug while sitting next to him on the bed. "I-I had another nightmare..." Keith was finally able to explain. "What was it about?" Lance said still holding onto Keith. "Rejection. From.... hunk.....pidge.....Allura.......you.." Keith had tried his best to explain, still a little shocked with the situation. "I thought we fixed those, everyone knows your gay and has excepted you, heck I'm dating you." Lance had said, the last part was in a more joking tone. "Not about that. It's something else." Keithy boy has once again found some way to explain without fully explaining. "Then what about? You know I will always love and except you no matter what. So, please tell me." Lance said even though he knows that that sounded like one of the cheesiest things ever. "Fine. I'm- i. I'm part g-galra." Keith said quickly while stuttering and pulling away from his human heater boyfriend (which I would never do! Why would someone pull away from their bf, or gf, especially if they are a human heater! That literally sounds amazing! I wish I had someone to keep me warm! Sorry just a little author rant about their own frickin' book *face palms* ok let's continue.) "Wow ok, wow..." Lance was speechless. " actually, that sounds cool Keith! Come on. You get the best of both worlds! Human, and Alien! Anyways not all Galras are bad. And it doesn't change who you are. Actually your way cooler now! Just wait till we get back to Earth and I get to brag about my hot, fit, half purple Alien boyfriend! Imma make all the girls and guys jealous!" Lance starts ranting about all the other ways Keith is literally perfect because literally there is not one bad thing about him! (My opinion). "Ok ok ok. Shut up I get it. Just, help me tell them please. I still don't know how they will react." The all amazing Keith speaks again! (I'm sorry but my finger slipped while spelling again and autocorrected it to "a gay" I just thought that was so perfect and had to share that experience bc I now have to change it to again). "Of corse Mullet!" Lance laughed at the nickname he shall forever call his boyfriend. "I love you...". Are you proud of me for finally making a chapter! Yay no sleep tonight! Welp bye! Plz Comment too bc I love all y'all and wish to learn more about my readers!

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