Chapter Eleven

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"Your friend is in critical condition but stable." The doctor said after coming out of the OR (operating room.) "She did lose a lot of blood so she isn't out of the danger zone yet. I'd say that if everything goes well she will be out of here in maybe a month or two." The doctor said.

"Thank you." I said hugging him and crying. Billie came around the corner.

"I just talked to David, he said he is coming down. No matter how many times I tried to tell him to stay where he is he kept insisting." She sighed sitting down. "How is she?" she asked.

"The doctor said that she is in critical condition but she is stable, and that she lost a lot of blood." I cried sitting beside beside her. Just after I said that I heard over the intercom/

"Code blue! Code blue, emergency team to room thirty seven." My breath caught in my throat.

"Billie, that is where Kayla is!" I yelled running toward the room they called. When I got there I stood outside the window. The doctors were giving her shots, CPR and even used the paddles, that is when I heard the words that no one wants to hear.

"Kayla Copper, time of death seven forty-three A.M." I sank down and sat on the ground. BIllie ran up beside me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. I sobbed. Kayla has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. If only I didn't go away, if only I didn't leave her alone, if only she called the police on her boyfriend. Maybe then she would be alive and we would be laughing and talking on the phone into the early hours of the morning. We could have a Doctor Who marathon.

I sat on the floor holding onto Billie for nearly twenty minutes. Finally I stood up, grabbed my bag and made my way out of the hospital. I'm personally going to talk to her parents. They only live about fifteen minutes away from the hospital.

"Where are you going?" Billie asked following behind. I sniffed and answered softly.

"To see her parents." I said wiping my eyes.

"I'm driving!" Billie said snatching the keys away from me.

"No, I can drive." I resisted.

"I, am, driving!" Billie over exaggerating the breaks between each word.

"Fine!" I sighed sitting in the passenger seat.


We pulled up in front of Kayla's parents house. "I'm going to go in by myself." I said to Billie.

"Of course!" Billie said giving me a quick hug before I got out.

I made my way up to the front door, wiping the tears off my face. It was still evident that I had been crying. I rang the doorbell and waited, her mom answered the door.

"Melissa!" She said excitedly, then she realized the obvious pain that I was in. "What has happened?" She asked concerned.

"May I come in?" I asked.

"Of course dear!" She said.

In the kitchen Kayla's dad was sitting at the table with his newspaper and coffee.

"I have some bad news." I said weakly sitting at the table.

"What has happened?" Her dad asked with a worried tone and expression.

"Kayla was beaten up this morning by her boyfriend, she lost a lot of blood." I took a small break to breath. "About half an hour ago she - she - she passed away." I cried. Kayla's mom let out a cry that could curdle blood.

"I'm so sorry." I cried into my hands. Her dad had dropped his coffee cup and it shattered on the floor, I grabbed the mop and the broom in the corner and began to clean it up.

Just Another Familiar Face (David Tennant)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora