Chapter Fourteen

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Billie and I stood in line at the McDonald's. In the short ten minutes we've been there thirty people had come up to Billie for an autograph.

Finally we made it to the counter. "Hello, welcome to McDonald's, what can I get for you?" The person running the till asked.

"I'll get a snack wrap with regular fries and a root beer, Bille?" I asked turning to her.

"Same." She nodded. Before she could could take money out of her wallet I had already paid. "Not fair." She laughed going and grabbing straws and napkins.

When we sat down she was the first to speak. "So, is David still an ass?" She laughed eating her fries.

"Oh yes." I replied sarcastically, "you should feel special. That is privileged information."

"Nothing is privileged with me. I am the one who caught you two in bed this morning." She giggled. The table beside us had two teenage girls, about sixteen to seventeen, they were staring at us.

"Could you not say it like that? You make me sound like a hoe." I whispered.

"Soon you'll be Melissa Tennant. Why not practice." Billie had a hard time suppressing her laughter.

"We've been dating for only a few weeks, don't start thinking that far into the future." I lightly slapped her arm.

"I'm sorry but did I hear you correctly? Are you dating David Tennant? As in David Tennant the Tenth Doctor?" One of the teenagers beside us asked.

"See Billie, this is why you should've been quite." I scolded. "Yes, I am dating David Tennant." I replied changing my tone.


"I think I forgot my phone here." David said pushing open the front door.

Without thinking I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, standing on my tippy toes. "I've been home for a few hours now and I've had some time to think. We've been together for about three weeks and I know it's early for some people, but not for us." I whispered.

Without saying anything he bent his head down and kissed me. Closing the door with his foot. It was so cheesy. He pulled my shirt over my head and threw it onto the floor as we made our way back to my room.

Just Another Familiar Face (David Tennant)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora