A Guy Named Thomas

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After yesterday, Patton ignored Logan. He fell asleep fast too.

This morning he woke up early and left the dorm. He wanted to avoid Logan as long as possible.

Patton was excited for his first day at school. He loved it! Especially since he found out that Virgil and Roman is going to be in all the same classes as him.

But Logan is in all the same classes too. Today was going to be so hard. When Patton entered the school he walked really fast, because of his excitement.

While he was walking fast he bumped into someone. He looked up to find a handsome man in front of him. He blushed.

"I'm sorry..." The man smiled and said,"Thomas." Patton smiled too."Sorry, Thomas."

Patton suddenly felt eyes burning holes in the back of his head. He turned around and found Logan stareing at him.

Behind Logan was Roman and Virgil standing very close to each other. Like very close. He looked back at Logan.

Logan was now glaring at Thomas, Logan growled loudly. Everyone in the hall looked at him confused.

Thomas looked at me and said,"Who's that?" I looked at him, then answered,"My roommate."

Thomas smirked,"He looks like he likes you a lot." Patton looked at him and shook his head.

"That is not possible."

"Then why did he glare and growl at me?" Thomas had a point but it could be something else.

"He is..." Thomas raised an eyebrow. "Exactly."

"You know what here is my number, maybe we could hang out some time." He took out a marker, a piece of paper, and wrote his number on there. He then gave it to Patton.

He turned around to leave, but Patton grabbed Thomas's arm."Wait, why don't you sit with me and my friends at lunch?" Thomas nodded his head, smiled, then walked away.

*Lunch Time*

Patton waited for Thomas outside of the classroom. When Thomas came out, they walked together to the cafeteria.

They got there food and walked around the cafeteria until Patton spotted Logan, Roman, and Virgil sitting at the corner table.

Patton walked Thomas over to them."Hey guys! This is Thomas, can he sit with us?"

Roman and Virgil said hi. Logan glared at Thomas and said nothing to him.

Thomas stuck out his hand to Logan but Logan looked at it in disgust and ignored it completely.

Roman looked at Thomas apolagetily and said,"Don't take it personally, Logan's not a big fan of hand shaking."

Logan growled at Roman."I can speak for myself."

Virgil then started asking a bunch of questions towards Thomas.

"So what are your intentions with Patton?" Thomas was about to answer but Logan inturupted him.

"He doesn't have any with Patton. Probably never will. Am I correct Thomas?"

Just wanted to check in and see if you guys are enjoying the story so far?


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