14 | The Cornucopia

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This year, the arena stretches as far as my eyes can see. In one direction, all I can see is a vast, pale moorland. In another, I see grassy plains, with a small forest in the very corner. The terrain diagonal from the plains is a dense tree forest, and in between these are a series of extremely high, rocky mountains. I gulp in fear. But that's nothing compared to the Cornucopia.

All twenty-four tributes are arranged in a circular formation around the large golden horn. Supplies and goods are arranged haphazardly around it, and fifty metres in front of me, I see a set of knives, their silver blades glinting in the midday light. Throwing knives, daggers, even a machete are arranged there. It's perfect, and it even lies a few metres from a small green backpack that looks full of useful supplies. My feet itch in anticipation to grab it and run away. Far away into the tree forest that reminds me so much of the woods outside of my district. Of course, that's only if I can get away from the Cornucopia itself.

In a ring around all twenty-four tributes is a circular lake, its perfect pristine water glistening. This will be good for the tributes of Four, who are trained their whole lives to swim. But for us others, especially from poorer districts, it's going to be a struggle to even get away from the Cornucopia, even if we decide not to participate in the bloodbath.

Should I or should I not grab the supplies? Minho specifically instructed us not to, but he didn't know about the lake. Would he tell me to grab the supplies if he knew the lake is here, or would he still tell me to run? I make my mind up a split second before the gong sounds. I see Newt on a tribute plate a few spaces away from me, and as I take note, the gong sounds, and I sprint headway into the bloodbath.

I pick up a small torch that lies only a couple of metres in front of me, and see Newt limping into the forest. So he didn't try to run for the Cornucopia. Probably he thought his limp would slow him down, I think sadly. Shaking it off, I try to run for the knives, As I do so, another girl reaches for them too. She must be only, what, twelve or thirteen, but yet, I yank the knives from her with a vicious force. She struggles for them back for a few seconds, and falls limp to the ground. I'm confused until I see the spear embedded in her left shoulder, and Gally standing only a few metres away, another spear loaded in his hand, aimed for his next target.

And his next target is me.


Gally's arm releases the spear and I only have time to move slightly to the right before the spear grazes past my left leg. And embeds itself in the ground behind me.

Although I am fully aware of how lucky I am, I still wince slightly at the thought of what would happen if the spear hit its target. Reacting as fast as possible, I snatch up three of the knives in the pack; two daggers and one throwing knife, and the torch I dropped before. Jumping up, I grab the spear stuck in the ground and the small backpack, and sprint out of the Cornucopia range as fast as possible until I reach the circular lake. Breathing heavily, I chuck the knives across so they hit the opposite bank, along with the backpack, the torch, and finally, the spear. Then I step one toe into the water. Realising that it's deeper than what I originally thought, I do the stupidest thing I've done today.

I jump straight into the lake. Without checking how deep it is first.

The water's icy cold and chills me to the bone. Looking around, I see some other tributes struggling in the water, some of their heads submerging completely, and some of them running away, soaked and struggling to walk, let alone sprint.

I can swim. Barely. My mother used to teach me before.... that doesn't matter. What matters is the task at hand. I manage to swim halfway across the lake with a sort of paddle reminiscent of a dog.

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