His Recollection

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It's been months after the execution of the Jedi and the reformation of the Galactic Republic. The Jedi have hid across the galaxy. Meanwhile, Vader has been tasked on a mission by his master to find the first Jedi Temple in hopes of it containing a powerful Holocron which contains the spirits of the first jedi, the first jedi which also had fallen. This task will become Vader's first challenge to prove his allegiance and whether his compassion mercy or guilt is still inside.

Still tormented by his wife's death and his failure to save her. Darth Vader has begun to experience depression, the guilt deep inside of his slaughtering of the Jedi, what he could've prevented. It became his own hell. And he knew he had to live with it for the rest of his life. Now, the Dark Lord travels to the planet he was tasked to go to. The planet; Atch-To. A planet in the far reaches of the galaxy...

Living with a mask and suit that limited what he could do, what he ate, what he drank and what his force abilities would allow, the man who was now more a vessel then a being, traveled in his newly built T.I.E Fighter, now beginning to enter the planets' atmosphere. He was silent, he hadn't spoke to anyone besides his master or his men. He was like a person with no soul, probably because he had none. Deep down he knows his soul died as he burned in the lava planet he was went to. There was no Anakin. There was no Skywalker. He had lost his child and his closest friend and wherever Kenobi walked, he knows he is just as destroyed as he.

He saw the vast ocean before him, islands apart from one another and the skies as clear as it could be. Like Naboo it felt peaceful, it reminded him of his past—a past he would do anything to forget. He tightened his grip on the fighters steering system and flew forward to find the hidden temple. It would take at least two days to find the precise location, after all it's not like Palpatine knew where it was precisely, if he did, he would've told him or so he believed he would. It did feel more like test then a mission, after all.

He began to let out a deep exhale as he garnered why he was even sent to find this temple. It was nothing of importance to him, but to his master it was and he hated to have to be the delivery boy. Despite having loyalty he still hated doing this sort of thing. But he tried to bury it deep inside himself.

Above the islands he saw what appeared to be civilization, not the kind of species that are humans, they looked to be small huts, like what jawas or ugnaughts would live in. He saw rubbles of ruins across from where the huts were, steering past it and going faster as the temple was not on any of the islands he looked at, he was beginning to lose patience. He sighed and kept going further into the vast seas. Hoping to have something resembling a temple or anything jedi related on the islands he's been looking at.

Then he saw a silhouette on the fighters glass that resembled Kenobi's, he steered the fighter down towards an island trying to get it out of the glass, the island did not look like the others, the grass was dead, the ruins were all over the place, and it looked like no one was even there. He was still dazzled by the image of Kenobi, it was like a ghost and that confused him, he sensed him but did not know or could know where he was. The T.I.E Fighter wasn't reacting to his hands moving the steering back, he braced for inevitable impact—

The fighter crashed into the island, damaging the fighter almost to the point of no repair. He noticed the damage was severe. It was just a prototype, the other fighters were in production but only now has it been used by official imperials. He took off the belt holding him and pushed the side of the fighter with his hands, the now piece of rubble flew off, allowing him to get out. His suit was luckily not too damaged but as for scratches, there were some. Vader thought about the image once more...

Could he have died?

The thought on his mind was just as subtle as any other thought. It was not a possibility yet it was, it could've been just his concentration loosening but somehow it felt like he was looking at the past, his face, the face of his former master, it was just as irritating as his constant pain from mustafar. He looked at the ruins, there were carvings of letters on the destroyed columns. He turned to see the mountain-like leveled island, he walked towards the columns. He saw the carved letters but couldn't read it, he only knew so many languages and it was very few. He looked at the islands broken path and decided to walk through there.

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