Nexus of Deceit

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Anakin Skywalker ran towards him, throwing his lightsaber away, ready to jump on him, before Vader could reach his lightsaber he was hit by Anakin jumping on him, he fell into the ground though he was still falling. Vader saw an endless darkness in his eyes as he fell, Anakin looked at him, "you have gotten weak." Vader grabbed him by his throat and got on top of him, "you've gotten naive." Vader said as he punched him hard in the face, "you knew the power. you knew the depths i went through to save someone that would die anyways. And you allowed it."

Anakin grunted as he kicked him in his stomach, Vader now held him at a chokehold with two hands. "You should be the one that dies. You created me, you created all this mass murder, don't blame me!"

Vader, enraged. Stops choking him and manages to kick him in his chest, force pushing him as he did, Anakin fell farther down, Vader felt a nexus of drought piling up within him, he was fighting his previous life, how is he even physically there? Unless none of this is actually happening. Vader thought as he looked down to his falling self, "It's all in my head."

Vader closed his eyes and took a deep breath,

"None of this is happening."

Vader opened his eyes again and saw Anakin again, this time chained to a wall, all around his eyes were dark patches, his face was bruised a little and his clothes had scratches everywhere. "Anakin." Vader said, Anakin looked at him, his eyes were reddening and he looked absolutely broken. "I can't take this." Anakin replied, "I don't have any strength left."

Vader looked down, "I don't either."

"We're both broken, we're both trapped."

Anakin looked at him hardly focusing on him, "but we're still here. Holding on."

Anakin looked up, "the dragon has finally gotten me. You remember do you?"


"It's been slowly hunting me throughout my life, only it's now gotten me trapped, losing myself and destroying my mind."

"It's our mind."

"It wasn't always."

"But it is now. I have let you live, i have granted mercy, something i shouldn't of done. . ."

"Why didn't you just kill me? After all i've done?"

Vader walked towards him, "because it would be mercy killing you."

Anakin looked away, "the question is, why did you create me?"

Vader grabbed the chains and pulled it apart, "you think," Vader grabbed the other chains, "I wanted this," Anakin began to get free, "that i wanted to be this dark lord?" Anakin got out, Darth Vader grabbed him at a chokehold and slammed him into the wall. "I am suffering from this instability you've given me!"

"I didn't want to remember everything! I didn't want your pain." Vader threw him down. Anakin began to look at him. "I didn't want to be chained to a wall hearing whispers of your demons, demons taking forms of the ones you love."

"Face it, we have two personalities, we're the same. It's 'your' demons, not mine."

"Fine." Anakin got up and looked at him, "why set me free?"

"You'll suffer pain beyond comprehension now that you are out of those chains. You'll see." Vader told him.

"What are you going to do then?" Anakin asked him,

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