Act of the Gods

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Vader swung his lightsaber at the skeletons running to him, the sharp swing piercing through the dead warriors, he lifted one of them up with his left hand and threw them into the others, he slowly began to step back, waiting for the right moment to attack again, in his eyes, he saw them raising their hands, he felt a slight push, "impossible," Vader said with surprise, how could they use the force when they are dead? He saw Abeloth rising from the ground, still using his wife's appearance, he looked back at the warriors and force pushed them, raising his lightsaber and striking them down. Wielding the saber still with both hands, he fought like a samurai.

A man with no fear, just hatred. He fought like he always fought, bravely and stagnantly, the skeletons were sliced in half, ripped apart, sliced off, many things to make them stop fighting., and as he saw himself cut down the dead warriors that were resurrected for one final battle he saw his blade slowly turn to a silver color, he blinked to see if it were truly different, and to his surprise, it was.

In a moment, he wanted to think it was an illusion, like the temple, but maybe, it wasn't the temple, somehow, deep down he just couldn't help but pit it all on Abeloth. This creature who is able to will anyone to help her, perhaps the ghosts he saw were under her spell. Perhaps, this was all by Abeloth, nevertheless, he 'will' try to kill her while it means death or to suffer another day in life, he will do it.

Decapitated warriors and armless ones still continued to fight, Vader knew it may be an endless fight if he keeps it up, Abeloth is controlling them, he must resort to her, not them. He saw dozens of them attempting to block an escape or allow for him to think, Vader started to force push the skeletons far enough for him to raise his saber and jam it into the ground. Vader began cutting a hole through it, he formed a circle, allowing for him to have an advantage, as the warriors mindlessly fell into the hole that was made, Abeloth began to laugh, and in a flash, fire erupted through where he had cut.

His lens was full of fire, a bright orange hollowing in his eyes,

"Do you really think you can take me on?" Abeloth asked, seeing if he was truly honest about it.

"I don't know." Vader replied, referring to her appearance and her abilities, "but i will try,"

Abeloth raised the fires length, making it impossible to escape, "Do you remember the ones?" Abeloth asked him,

"The Ones?" Vader replied,

Abeloth began to elevate herself towards Vader, "the three who showed you your true potential."

"I don't recall any of that." Vader said almost clueless on what she was saying,

Abeloth raised him from the ground, "let's settle this."

Vader was lifted and brought forward, heading towards her, he then saw his wife's face, Abeloth kissed him on his helmet and then threw him in the fire, he fell inside the fire, feeling the intense pain he had on Mustafar, screaming in agony from feeling it again, "you are weak, you are foolish, you failed you're role as the Chosen One."

He could barely grasp for air, the fumes hitting his helmet and breathing systems, he was reliving it again only this time, as Vader. Abeloth went in the fire too, she slowly looked down at him, Vader while in pain, saw her too, padmés face full of fire, "Why do you care so deeply for your dead wife, isn't it enough that you're the reason she's dead?"

"Or maybe it wasn't you who did it." Abeloth continued,

Vader's suit started to form into ash,

"what, what do you mean?" Vader asked, hardly able to speak or breath,

"Padmé would've survived child birth despite what had happened, the only reason she died was because of someone you trusted,"

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