Beneath the Surface

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Anakin woke up from his sleep. He saw a bright sky from the window on his right. Outside the window  was tall grass and beautiful waterfalls, he was confused that he was on naboo.

He sighed, pulled the blanket off of him and got up, his feet hit the the floor, he still had his legs, he wasn't burnt. He was almost completely untouched from his injuries. "Anakin." Padmé yelled his name, "Breakfast is ready." She continued.

"Padmé?" He said softly with a slight smile. He got up and walked towards the door that leads to the stairway. He stepped onto the staircase and begun to remember how beautiful Naboo's houses were. He walked down the stairs and looked for Padmé.

"Anakin." Padmé said again after not hearing a response.

He saw his wife in the kitchen with food and on the chair was a child, no older then himself when he was but a four year old. The child had blond hair. "Are you gonna say hi to Alex?" She said with a smile. He realized it had to be his son. "Hi." He replied with an awkward expression, but he was still clueless about everything, he killed them when he turned and it couldn't have been a dream because those actions, they were all too real to have been a dream.

There was no response. "Here." Padmé said as she handed him the bowl. He took it and looked at it, it spelled out "You're too late." he looked at Padmé with a weird look, "What's wrong?" She asked him.

"Uh, nothing." he replied.

"Don't be afraid." Padmé told him.

"I'm not." he assured her.

"Good." she responded,

"Alex. It's time to help your father." she told him.

He looked at him, he was hardly moving. "What's wrong with him?" He asked cautiously.

"He fell off the bed last night and hasn't acted the same since, I think he's just tired." She explained to him,

But the response she gave felt odd. "Let me see what's wrong with-"

"Nothing is wrong with him." she told him again

He ignored her and touched him, blood began to drip from his neck, "Oh my god—" he backed away, shocked.

"He wasn't like you Anakin. He was too pure."

"Padmé what did you-"

"I used that same knife i stabbed him with to make us breakfast. Try it, it might give you some happiness."

She laughed at what she had said, she touched Alex's face and began to cut her wrist with the knife,

"Padmé stop!"

She cut deep into herself as she began to bleed extensively, she swiped her finger across her bleeding arm and put it on her sons mouth to make a long smile. Then she swiped her fingers again with the blood and put it below his eyes to make it look like he was crying blood.

Anakin was horrified. She laughed again only more disturbing than before.

"You should've let us die long ago."

"You failed us. You failed yourself."

Anakin turned away, "Drink the soup, Anakin."

"Enough!" he dropped the bowl and it shattered, the letters now formed an entirely different word, "You need to go."

Anakin looked at Padmé and his dead 'son', Alex.

He backed away and attempted to block it out of his head, "Watch out Anakin, you're mother tripped and fell."

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