o n e

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Pronunciation: RYE - LYN    



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THE SKY SEEMED TO BE STRIPPED of all allure. As if it was a painting of someone's vision, though through their eye, it was nothing but scraps of dull and gloom -- seeping from the depths of their mind.

Rye's town of course was always dripped in rain and under the shadows of grey. This - nearly always missed on maps - town was home. 

At least for a good portion of years. 

In Rye's early days her and her fraternal twin had constantly shuffled between their divorced parents - one living in the states and the other on the coast of Australia. That was until the age of 8, when she had to move permanently due to the custody finalization.

Rye dipped her brush in navy blue before glazing it upon her canvas.

She wanted to give more texture - she believed that if she could make this painting express more of a story, she just might be able to have someone interpret it intellectually. Of course that's if Rye could wink up the courage to show it to someone other than her sister through Skype.

Mumbling incoherent words under her breath, she bit her lip in concentration. 

Her brush graced through the paper in a swift motion, like her hand was swaying in water. 

Rye's eyes flickered shut as she visualized the small details of the storm in her mind. 

"Rye ...," A voice yelled out, causing her hand to pause mid-air. And like that the storm crumbled to pieces only to be tucked away for further reference. 

Rye only hopes that she could remember the current visualization of the sky clearly - she had forgotten her camera at her old tattered down flat. 

Rye turned to face the voice. In came the view of Lara - the owner of a small bakery and her mother-like friend - in which her apron was covered in flour, her face had a smear of chocolate, and her scent had an aura of burnt cookies.

If her aura had a shade it would've been a brilliant 'Sandy Fawn' color.

"I'm really sorry dear," Lara contorted into a face of worry and a hint of stress, "but the baby is acting up again and I have a bunch of orders for tomorrow. Do you mind finishing the orders and closing up for me?"

Rye, who had already walked up to Lara so she could look at her properly, offered a reassuring smile. Lara let out a breath of relief, gave Rye a comforting hug, then left the roof.

It really wasn't that much of a hassle - Rye was on the bakery roof after all. Not to mention that Lara had offered her a spare bedroom on her small loft. Rye has been occupying the room for a good 2 months and would be forever grateful to Lara and her family. Lara had even gave her the keys to the roof for a place to do art.

Rye examined the sky one last time, letting her eyes soak up the small swirls of color, before packing up her art supplies.

As Rye opened the door to exit the roof, she felt as if she was waking up from slumber. As if the roof she stood on was a pigment taken from a scattered piece of abstract paint, and contoured into a land from her head. And Rye's head seemed to have many lands stored within that she never seemed to truly see until she steps onto the roof.

The roof was her safe place and the door leading out of it was the devil's passage into reality.

Rye shuffled for the keys and clicked the roof door shut. Locking away the land.

With that Rye let the sound of the door closing and the scent of freshly made bread make a familiar appearance once again.

With that Rye let the sound of the door closing and the scent of freshly made bread make a familiar appearance once again

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That's the first chapter!

ALSO please excuse any grammatical errors - I've always had a tact for missing those. Although if you do happen to see them, please let me know so I could fix them as soon as possible.

Hope you enjoyed :) 

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