f i v e

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Pronunciation: RYE - LYN    


SHE STARED BLATANTLY at the white wall, drifting lost in thought

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SHE STARED BLATANTLY at the white wall, drifting lost in thought. There was no paint fumes, no pencil to fiddle with - no paintbrush. There was no chocolate scented aura radiating the air, no flour spreading all over her pastel colored apron. 


She glanced to the hospital bed beside her. She glanced at the uncut beard the man had, at the pale sick color he sported, and his messy dark brown hair. No brown eyes in sight however - no. 

No, she wouldn't be able to see those eyes until he somehow awoke from this coma. 

Rye had been sitting in the room for awhile. She had been just blankly staring off into space and nodding numbly to the social worker and her lawyer in front of her. She's heard it all before. 

Although, she wanted nothing more then to leave the room. 

"You're already justified to stay with your mother in the states..." the social worker said with his eyebrows knitted in concern, "We're just waiting for your father to awake to justify his position as an unfit guardian and to properly strip his privileges from seeing his children."

She nodded. She's heard it all before. 

Her father wasn't the best. In fact he hasn't exactly been in the best state of mind to ever really raise a daughter. Not in awhile. 

His shade - in her eyes - was a blurred colored blue.

 -A blurry light blue because he never could see clearly. Never really took the chance to think through what he does.

Rye and her elder sister - by one year - had their parents split when they were younger. And due to their hometowns being on different ends of the world - they just  justified that each parent had legal right over one of their two daughters in attempt to make it easier and more affordable. Her father - Killian Bailey - had his rightful legal rights over her. 

Up until now of course. 

Rye glazed sadly at her father. She loved him. At the end of the day he was still her father and she knew that he had good in him. Unfortunately he had taken the wrong road in life and well here they were. 

Rye sighed and stood up to stare at her lawyer, "T-the hospital payments?" she bit her lip, "W-what's l-left I m-mean." She had been taking extra long shifts at the bakery for awhile now to pay off the remaining amount of her father's hospital bills. 

She never mentioned how most of her savings for college had been thrown right out the door due to the rent bills, electricity, and her father's drugs he made her buy for him. Of course it was all over so she felt no need to tell the authorities any more of her financial problems. 

They wouldn't care if she didn't have enough money for art school.

Her lawyer gave her the envelope and gave her a pitiful gaze. Then he proceeded to exit the room. The social worker followed suit too after giving her at small comforting squeeze on her shoulder. 

She sighed. 

She didn't exactly mind it all - oddly enough. She was still grateful over the fact that she still had things in her life to keep her going. This was just another obstacle her father has managed to unknowingly build for her. 

With a heavy heart she looked at her father with glossy eyes, despite everything, and then wordlessly left his room. 

She entered the elevator and she noticed a slight change in color. Soon enough she was surrounded by flowers. She blinked rapidly in confusion as she felt the light breeze pressed against her. 

Rye glanced around her and breathed in the flower scent and soil. Around her was a barrier of trees. 

Rye let a small smile grow on her face as she felt a calmness overtake her - she was grateful for this. Ryland had closed her eyes and focused on the wind as she enjoyed the moment. 

Although when she opened her eyes she saw a pair of dark eyes. There stood in front of her was a large charcoal wolf. He gave her a sappy grin, "-met my...mate." A jumbled of words came. 

Rye looked around the wolf, trying to settle her panic, and tried to locate the voice. Although all there was in front of her was the wolf. 

It was then that she looked more clearly that she was a lot shorter than her other previous visions or 'episodes'.

Looking down she got a glimpse of two furry paws before she heard the 'ding' of the elevator. 

Rye blinked profusely as she exited the elevator. 




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Due to the time difference - the next chapter is going to be a few hours after Luce's day with Rhydian.

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