Demon!Ciel story|Found You|pt.2

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Sebastian's p.o.v

My master sent me off to look for Lady Camille. I knew why she ran away, She was simply jealous that the young lord was talking to Casey instead of her. I headed twords the garden because that was where I mostly sensed her.

That was when I found her sitting on the fountain sobbing. I walked up behind her and said, "found you" she quickly turned around and jumped up. "Oh Sebastian! I d-idn't know you were h-ere" she turned around, wiping her eyes, then looked back at me. "How long have you been behind me?" Camille asked.

"Oh no longer that a few seconds my Lady. My young master wishes to speak with you" she froze. "Oh really...ok" she had a look of sadness, worry, and slight fear. I then guided her out the garden and back to the mansion.

Camille's p.o.v

I was a nervous scared wreak! Ciel probably hated me now for pouring hot tea on my sister, and he didn't even really talk to me the first time I got here. So I really don't see what could happen next except absolutely hating me for life.

I and Sebastian walked back into the place and a brick of anxiety hit me, so much I actually flinched a bit. We came to a bedroom and Sebastian opened the door, my sister was sitting on the bed with Ciel.

"There you are!" My sister yelled getting up and hugging me, I hugged back. "I thought you ran off to who knows where!" She smiled in relief. At times I could tell she was faking, even when it was really believable. But this time I didn't know if she was or not.

"I just went to the garden to look at the flowers" I replied, taking a glance at Ciel, who was glaring at me not to mention.

"Well i'm glad your alright" Casey put her hands on my shoulders and looked down. "Well me and you should take our leave now, but I need to use the bathroom so I'll be right back" she then walked past me and went out the room.

I then looked at Ciel who was now right behind me. I took a few steps back, "why did you do that!? She could have gotten badly injured, or worse!" He yelled at me. "Well I'm so-" he cut me off, "I don't need a sorry from you" he turned around and walked back twords the bed.

"I only did it because I was Jealous! Ok!? I was Jealous because I haven't seen you in 2 years and you are the only true friend I have! And when I got here you haven't barely even talked to me! When we were coming here I was actually excited to see you Ciel. But now I think you don't even care about me anymore."

At my last sentence my voice mostly creaked because I was holding myself back from crying. Ciel just looked at me as if trying to process all I had just said, not to mention I said it all in my regular "American" sounding voice. "Is that was you really think..." Ciel walked back over to me.

I took a step back with tears filling my eyes, then proceeding to fall down my cheeks. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a hug. I froze but then hugged back. "I just didn't talk to you because I thought you weren't in the mood at the moment" he said, "really?" I sniffed. "Yes, really. I will always care about you Camille." He pulled away and kiss my cheek. *Ciel's eyes flash pink*

I blushed, and he actually smiled a bit. I then pulled away as my sister came back into the room. "Ok Camille you ready to go?" Casey said as she walked into the room. "Yep. Ready as I'll ever be" I walked away from Ciel and waved bye. He waved back. Me and my sister left the estate and back at our mansion. I later found put that me and my sister were going to a party in a week, and Ciel would be attending too.

Hope you liked the second part of this one shot! Bye!

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