Alois Story|Shopping

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Mya: 14 years, long black hair, green eyes, 5"3

(This one is going to take place in the modern age)

Mya's p.o.v

Me and my BFF Alois, got into the car driven by his butler. The only reason they were going to the mall was because Alois apparently didn't have enough bootyshorts to hold him for the summer.

The drive was short, but when we arrived. Alois practically pulled me out the car by my wrist. I almost fell on the concrete of the parking lot.

"Alois wait! Stop!" I yelled, attempting to get him to let go of me. "Oh sorry." He said and let go. It was only natural when he got super exited to go to the mall.

We walked in and Alois almost immediately ran to the female section.
"Mya! Look at these. Oh. My. God. Claude! I'm getting these" Alois yelled, picking up a purple T-shirt that said 'Sassy' in silver letters. "Yes, your Highness" Claude muttered, as if he was already done with the whole thing.

The rest of the day went smoother than I thought. But it was still super fun, we ended the day with getting ice cream from Dairy Queen.

Yup. I'm done. Bye.

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