Sebastian Story|Kitten Children

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Vanessa: 26 years, dyed Pixy cut baby blue hair, brown eyes, (5"6)   (from the modern day world)
Sebastian and Vanessa have been dating for 5 months now. Vanessa came through the door.

"Sebastian, I've been thinking..." Vanessa started. "Yes?" Sebastian replied, and looked up from sitting on the couch "I wanna have more baby's, two isn't enough for me" Vanessa put her car keys down on the counter as she sits down.

"You want to have more?" Sebastian walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around Vanessa. "I mean, Cody and Cailee are fun to have around but I just...want more" Vanessa didn't know how to put it. She wanted more children, yet she didn't know why.

"Well then, we'll have to get more" Sebastian grabbed the car keys and got a coat. Vanessa grabbed a coat as well, Sebastian opened the door for Vanessa as she waved to her children before she left. "Bye my loves!" She yelled as the black and grey cats awoke from their nap to meow as a response.

(2 hours later)

Vanessa and Sebastian opened the door and walked into their home. Both of them holding cages with small meows coming from them, Cody and Cailee woke up to all the commotion as Vanessa and Sebastian set the two cages on the couch.

They opened the cages and looked inside, both of the cages had four kittens in each. Then one of the cats jumped out and fell onto Vanessa's lap, the kitten was all Orange. "I'm naming you Pumpkin" Vanessa says as she holds the kitten in her arms.

"Good choice" Sebastian then reached inside of his and carefully got the small kitten out of the cage as the rest managed to get out on their own and explore the living room. The kitten Sebastian was holding was tan with brown small spots in random places.

"You look like a Cookie to me, don't you agree Vanessa?" Sebastian held the cat up and cuddled it. "She sure does" Vanessa then sat on the couch and Sebastian did the same. "I think we made the mistake of getting too much children" Vanessa said as she felt three kittens attack her on her arm, head, and leg.

"I think your right" said Sebastian as literally all of the rest of the cats were crawling all over him. Vanessa laughed.

This takes place in the modern world so yeah. Hope you guys enjoyed this one too and just name the rest of the cats if you want. Oh and just to say, they have ten cats now.

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