Mey-Rin Story| Gun Buddies

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This one is short.

Casey. From the demon Ciel story, Camille's older sister. Just image they aren't sisters.

(Author-Chan's p.o.v)

Mey-Rin and Casey were currently doing the dishes. "Casey, can you pass me that rag over there" Mey-Rin asked  the young girl. Casey reached over to grab the towel, but then their was a bang.

The two girls jumped a bit and stopped what they were doing, turning around and looked at the door.

Casey looked a bit worried, but in the back of her head she thought it was Bard or Finny. But no. It wasn't either of them."What the-" Casey started. Then the door to the kitchen flew open.

"Well hello there lady's" one of the 6 men said. They all looked like they were 30-50 years old.

"Who are you people?" Casey asked, not the slightest bit of fear or worry In her voice. "We just came to steal a few things. Nothing a few little maids like you should worry about, especially the weak worthless ones you two look like." The oldest looking one said.

Casey and Mey-Rin smirked. "Oh really now?" Mey-Rin said in her non high pitched voice. The men looked confused.

"I guess we will have to dispose of these filthy men." Mey-Rin said as the two girls pulled guns out of their pockets, and charged at all six men.

You can imagine all the action if you want. Or just skip to the next chapter.

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