August 15th

245 12 6

Dear Diary,

Today was a good one.

It's still summer holidays so I have the days free to roam (when I wasn't helping out in the book store). The sun was my alarm and radiated it's late summer heat across my pillow and onto my cheek. A lot more pleasant than the blare of my iPhone.

I rose and stretched my limbs awakening any part that may still be in slumber. I showered in hot water. I lathered and rinsed my face and body with their appropriate soaps. I dressed in a white crotchet dress that fell mid-thigh. I spritzed my hair with warm water, locked in the moisture with almond oil, applied a curl defining lotion to help my tight curls to pop and then I let them fall pass my shoulders.

In the kitchen was a note:

Started work at 6am will finish at 8pm

Mum x

Rummaging the fridge I found eggs, butter and sliced bread. Using my findings I made scrambled eggs on toast. I later found some orange juice to wash it down with.

As the sun was already up, I ate breakfast outside on the porch. To my left was a swing and to my right was a wicker seat lined with cushions - I chose the latter.

By mid day I grew bored and walked to the library. Passing the overgrown fields and the cows grazing. Passing the ageing church and music store that sold records with inspiring covers of albums I'd never heard of. It took me exactly 8 minutes to reach the library.

I waved to the librarian at the counter as I passed her she smiled at me eyes creasing in the corners though her thick rimmed frames.

I browsed for a little while unsure of what I was looking for. Three books caught my eye. The librarian scanned and stamped the books whilst offering her own thoughts on my selection. Before she handed them over she warned that I had four weeks until I had to return them.

Outside the sun was omitting a garish heat. I squint temporarily blinded by the natural light. I walk the stone library steps and down the town path towards the ice cream shop.

I used some coins from my purse to buy a waffle cone with two scoops of cherry gelato. The dessert looked vibrant on top of the beige cone. The combination of bubblegum pink and cerise cherry pieces looked delicious.

I licked happily on the sweet treat. Cone in one hand and books shoved under the other. When he walked into me.

I say it was me who walked into him but he insists that it was him. 

Nevertheless, the gelato slides down my dress literally painting me red. I stare down at the blob melting into a pool on the ground.

It's only until he apologises that I look up and have to look up a little further just to meet his face. He was wearing a cap, a New York Yankees cap, that casts a dark shadow on his face. He apologises again but I don't really hear it.

My gaze first falls on his lips. A shade similar to the pink ice cream I just had. Then I progressed to his eyes. They were hazel coloured and I had nothing to compare to them. They weren't blue like the ocean or pale green like a maple tree leaf. But the swirls of green, brown and gold still were captivating. My gaze is broken and met with the intense natural light again. 

He was bending to grab something. He stands back up and hands me my library books with a smile. A single dimpled smile. The empty exchange causes his fingers to brush mine spawning a bout of  goosebumps down my arms. I scoop the books back under my arm quickly breaking the touch.

It's when he apologises for a third time that I find my voice and confess that it was my fault, I should've been paying attention - when in actuality I was doing just that in the first place. He crosses his brows and states the opposite - it was his fault because he was texting. He shows me the black screen of his phone when he says this, I guess to help prove his point. He smiles again. That single dimpled smile. Before tucking the device into his back pocket.

I subconsciously pull on my bottom lip with my teeth, a habit I've been meaning to break. His smile fades as his own eyes wonder down to my lips catching a glimpse of my annoying inclination to chew on them. 

His pink mouth stretches into a smile again. He apologises again but this time for ruining my dress before walking past me.

I stand for a minute unable to move dazed by the small interaction with the stranger I just bumped into. It doesn't take me too long to gather myself, discard of the waffle cone and make my way back home.

Once inside, I slide off my Chuck Taylors and drop my books on the bottom step as I make my way up them. Reaching under my pillow grabbing my diary, I fall onto the bed stomach first.

Smiling to myself as I tell you about the first time I met him whilst wearing a cherry stained dress.


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