October 7th

62 6 2

Dear Diary,

Only a fool could think so.

Force the delusion on their mind.

Make themselves believe a fallacy.

For what;

a peace of mind?

What was worse.

Believing a fantasy curated in one's mind for personal satisfaction. 


Running with a fallacy for someone else's gratification.

Fuck that; fuck you.

Stop blowing up my phone.




I'll come back when I'm ready.

When the dust has settled.

When there was no more buzz.


Tune or song.

With a silent psyche, ready for interrogation.

A neutral psyche unable to be poisoned. Toxic to touch, taste, hear or see.

Indestructible mind with a venomous tongue.

When mother nature was still again; when her tears had ceased in plummet.

Her autumnal colours whimsical again.


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