Hero's Life: Chapter 4

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The next morning after everyone went to sleep. Hero wakes and he brushes his teeth and uses the bathroom.

Hero: I really like how the bathroom looks very nice, and they literally abandoned the place.

Gustavo calls Hero.

Gustavo: Hero, we finished the plan last night.

Hero: You finished the plan?

Erica: Yeah we did. Come on, we have to tell you the plan.

Hero: Hopefully we can kill Colon.

Gustavo, Hero, and Erica went to the plan room.

Hero: Wow, you literally covered this place with maps and is that monitor that is touchscreen?

Erica: Oh yeah.

Hero: How did you get the money for all of this?

Gustavo: Well, let's just say that Erica and I robbed a bank last night, and the cops got there when we finished robbing it.

Erica: So when we robbed it, we got all of this equipment.

Hero: How much do you guys even have?

Erica: Well how much do we all have, and that might be, over 11 Million dollars left.

Hero: How much money did you rob??!!

Gustavo: Over 20 Million.

Hero: Alright anyways, what is the plan?

Gustavo: The plan is that, me and Erica are going through the back, TaskForce #8 and TaskForce #7 are going through the roof, and you Hero are going through the windows.

Hero: Any plans on how to kill Colon?

Erica: Nothing yet. But I bet Corina will tell you.

Hero: Let me call her.

Hero pulls out his phone and dials Corina's phone number.

Corina answers him.

Corina: Hero why did you call at this time?

Hero: I need information about Colon.

Corina: Why?

Hero: Because I want to kill that son of a bitch.

Corina: Your lucky that he is all over my nerves right now. I'll give you the address to his house.

Hero: Okay.

Corina hangs up and texts him the address.

Hero: I'll be right back, I'm going to kill Colon.

Gustavo: Good luck.

Hero gets out of the house and gets in a car and hot wires it and drives it to Colon's house.

In Colon's house.

Agent Colon: There has to be a way, so I can capture that f****** bitch.

Someone knocks on Colon's door. Colon opens the door and it was Hero aiming at Colon.

Hero: Well, well, well, if it isn't Agent Colon. What you thought this won't happen to you.

Agent Colon: Why did you come here? How do you know where I live?

Hero: Let's just say that Corina helped me find you, and now this is your last time your going to live in this world.

Hero shoots Colon in the head. Hero walks to the body.

Hero: How is it being in hell you f*****?

Hero walks out of his house and gets in his car and drives away.

At Steve's base.

Steve: Jason, Hero's base was self destructed, all of Omar's men are gone, it's just my men left.

Jason Brine: We have to get more people, which I have been doing that for the past hour, the only thing we have to do is kill Hero, that's basically it.

President Omar: Hell, how long are they going to come to the base.

Jason Brine: 3 hours.

Steve: We can't go back now, it's a one way flight now.

Jason Brine: We have to be strong my friends.

President Omar: The only person I want to be killed is Hero, that son of a bitch needs to die.

Jason Brine: Don't worry Omar, he will die.

President Omar: Come on Jason, your supposed to be in prison but no cop knows about it.

At Hero's new base, Erica, TaskForce #7, TaskForce #8, and Gustavo are getting ready to go to Steve's base and ready to kill Steve, Jason, and President Omar.

Gustavo: Since Hero isn't here we can do it without him.

Hero: I'm here, don't worry about it, I just went to Colon's house, and I killed him, so we can do this damn plan. Our plan is to Kill / Capture Steve, and the President. Jason we can kill.

TaskForce #7: We need to take one of them alive.

Erica: We can just kill Jason, I hate that sack of shit.

Hero: Then let's do it.

End of Chapter 4.

Preview on the next Chapter of Hero's Life.

Hero, Erica, TaskForce #7, and TaskForce #8 got into the car.

Hero: We are going to do this, as a family.

Steve's base.

Steve: When is your men coming Jason?

Jason Brine: They should be here around 30 minutes.

Erica, Gustavo breaches the back door, TaskForce #7 and TaskForce #8 breaches through the roof, and Hero breaches in through the windows.

Jason Brine: It's Hero and his family, get down!

Steve: We need to fight now.

Find out what happens in the next Chapter.

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