Hero's Life: Final Chapter

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Hero and everyone else got in Hero's vehicle.

Hero: Ready to go home everyone?

Erica: F*** yeah.

Hero: We need to finish this war. But you know what, we will do that later on.

Gustavo: Steve, Jason, and Zak is gone. Haven't seen the president though.

Hero: I'm guessing that asshole went back to the white house to have sex with a woman or some shit like that.

Soap Force: Didn't know that your like this Hero? What happens if Herobrine is alive?

Hero: If he is alive, then that is a good thing, but  that would be impossible because death is apart of life.

Erica: TaskForce #8, you okay there?

TaskForce #8: I'm alright, just a little injury.

Hero: Who the hell shot you?

TaskForce #8: I think it was Steve.

Soap Force: Don't worry, we will kill him TaskForce, we will kill that son of a bitch.

At Steve's car.

General Zak: Thank God we got out of there fast. We would've died.

Steve: I wouldn't leave you guys, I wonder where Omar is?

Jason Brine: I got it.

Jason pulls out his phone and dials Omar's number. At the white house, President Omar picks up the phone.

President Omar: What the f*** do you want asshole?

Jason Brine: Whoa you don't have to be a bitch, Mr. President.

President Omar: Look what the hell do you want?

Jason Brine: Hero and his team came to our base, and we have to get out of there and now we are finding a new base so we can set up our stuff and our meeting for my men.

President Omar: Hero and his family has destroyed the base. How the f*** did he find it?

Jason Brine: That's what we trying to figure out.

Steve: Give me the phone. Omar, we will meet you at this address that Jason will send you.

President Omar: Alright see you there.

Steve hangs up the phone and gives it to Jason.

Steve: Jason, contact your men that the base has been relocated because of Hero and his family destroying the damn place.

Jason Brine: Alright Steve.

At Corina's apartment. Corina is laying on her bed looking at a picture frame of Hero and her at Junior prom.

Corina: I love you so f****** much Hero. I want you back in my life, please, I'll do anything to get you back.

Corina gets up from her bed.

Corina: I can't take it anymore.

Corina goes to her kitchen, and grabs a gun.

Corina: I am tired of this. Hero is never taking me back anyway, what's the point of living then.

Corina cocks her gun and aims it on her head. She pulls the trigger, and shoots and kills herself. Corina has committed suicide because of depression and her not dating Hero anymore.

At Hero's base. Everyone has left the car and Hero opens the door.

Soap Force: I'll get you cleaned up TaskForce.

TaskForce #8: Thanks Soap.

Mason: Daddy!

Hero: Hey there is my 2 year old son.

Hero kisses Mason.

Sophia: Hey baby.

Hero: Hey.

Hero and Sophia kiss.

Hero: Where's Luke?

Mason: He is sleeping.

Hero: He's sleeping?

Sophia: He is so adorable. He looks like you Hero.

Hero: We will figure it out in the future Sophia, remember Mason and Luke are a Herobrine, so they can live forever, they age until 21 and then they will live forever. Until you get the virus or get shot and killed.

Sophia: Yeah, I got it. But anyways, I cooked you breakfast so enjoy baby.

Sophia kisses Hero.

Hero: Thanks Sophia! This food looks delicious.

Mason: I helped!

Hero: You helped Mason?

Luke: Hey mom and dad.

Sophia: Hey Luke.

Sophia turns around and sees Luke at age 2.

Sophia: Jesus Christ!

Hero: Sophia, we grow quicker to.

Sophia: I didn't think that fast.

At the news station.

The Leader's servant: Sir, when can we go inside and go on television live?

The Leader: Let's go now, so they can be shocked.

The Leader's servant: Let's go.

Everyone leaves the car and goes inside the news station. The Leader shoots the guards.

The Leader: We have to get on the news.

The Leader goes inside.

News Reporter: Wait whose that?

The Leader goes inside the back room.

The Leader: Nobody moves. News reporter person, I need to be on the news now!

News Reporter: Wait a minute? It's you.

At Hero's house. Katie turns on the TV and sees the news.

News Reporter: We do have someone on here today, sorry for a late start but we do have someone. Come on.

The Leader: What's up bitches?

News Reporter: We are live you know that.

The Leader: I know that.

At Steve's car.

Jason Brine: Why does this person sound like Herobrine?

News Station.

The Leader: Let me tell you something that I want to say for a while.

Katie: Hero, come here!

Hero: What happened mom?

Katie: Look.

The Leader: This shit that I have to say is for Steve, Jason Brine, the President and General Zak. If you guys are out there, then listen up, because you know the person name Herobrine, that got killed by a virus that has no name.

Hero: It's dad!

The Leader: Because you know what, the only thing that I need to say is that, you motherf****** are so f****** in the ass, because I am going to do this.

President Omar looks at his phone.

The Leader gets rid of his hoodie.

Hero: I knew it!

Herobrine: I'm right here f******. My name is Herobrine and I'm alive!

End of The Herobrine: Hero's Life Book Series 2.

Hero's Life: The Herobrine Book Series 2Where stories live. Discover now