Hero's Life: Chapter 5

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At Hero's base.

Hero: You guys ready to end this war?

Gustavo: Ready, when you are? Erica?

Erica: I'm ready.

Hero: Alright, let's move out!

Hero, Erica, TaskForce #7, TaskForce #8, and Gustavo has left the building and got in the car.

Sophia: Hero. Take care of yourself, and finish this war.

Hero: I will, Sophia, Luke, Mason come here. Give your dad, come here.

Hero carries Mason and kisses him. Sophia gives Luke and gives carries him and kisses him on the forehead.

Hero: I love you Sophia.

Sophia: I love you to.

Sophia and Hero hugs each other and kisses each other.

Hero: I'll see you soon.

Katie: Be careful Hero.

Hero: I will mom.

Hero gets in the car and closes the door. The car drives off.

Monica: They will win this war.

In the car.

Hero: We are going to do this as a family.

Gustavo: Family.

Erica: Family.

TaskForce #7: Family.

TaskForce #8: Family.

TaskForce #7: Hey Hero.

Hero: Hmm?

TaskForce #7: The names Soap.

Hero: Soap Force?

Soap Force: Yep, that's my name, I like when people call me TaskForce #7.

At Steve's base.

President Omar: Guys I'm going back to the white house, I have more men over there, and we need to have a plan to kill Hero and his damn family.

Steve: Go to the white house, get your men and come back here. We need to make a plan to eliminate Hero and his family.

Jason Brine: Well go ahead and go to the white house, get more men so we can kill them. 

President Omar: It's f***** how you want to kill your grandson and your family.

Jason Brine: I'm not apart of that family anymore, Herobrine said to me in front of my face.

Steve: We don't care about that, it's been 2 years after Herobrine's death we don't care about that asshole anymore. We just have to make a plan and that is it. Omar go to the white house and get your men and then come back here.

President Omar: I'll be right back.

Omar leaves the room

Steve: Jason, where is your men?

Jason: I just called them 5 minutes ago and they said they are coming in 30 minutes.

Steve: We don't have 30 minutes, we need a plan to kill Hero and his family and we need your men to be apart of this plan.

Hero and his team has arrived to Steve's new base.

Hero: This is it guys. The war is going to end right here right now.

Erica: Hero, you need to turn around so you can go to the back, it's an alley that nobody goes through.

Hero: Alright.

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