How do you feel

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The next morning Kirishima had a rough awakening when Bakugo dumped ice cold water on him.

"HEY BAKUGO WHAT THE HELL MAN!?" Kirishima stood up drenched in water.

"You slept in so I figured I'd wake you up." Bakugo grinned.

"Yeh, well, you could have just told me to get up." Kirishima said as he took off his drenched shirt.

Bakugo looked away hiding his red cheeks. "Its more effective this way, not to mention more fun."

Kirishima, not being one to miss opportunities decided to make another smart comment, just to bother Bakugo. "Well, Bakugo, I'm glad you can have fun with me. And maybe you really did this to see me shirtless.~"

Bakugo started to blush even more. "Get dressed, it's already 11 a.m. because you got up so late."

Kirishima frowned as he put on another shirt. "Your so mean Bakugo." He said making a pouty face.

"What? I didn't do anything this time."

"You wont tell me how you feel, you feel the same way I do, I know you feel it to." Kirishima said still pouting.

Bakugo looked away. "A-about what?"

Kirishima held his pouting face for a little longer and then burst out laughing.

"HAHAHAHA, BAKUGO UR SO CUTE ITS SO EASY TO MESS WITH YOU HAHAHA!" Kirishima fell to the floor and started rolling around laughing.

Bakugo walked over to Kirishima and grabbed him by the neckline of his shirt. He then pinned Kirishima up against the wall.

Kirishima looked into Bakugo's intense eyes and didn't say anything.

"You know Kirishima, I think you're the mean one. You make these jokes, and you dont realize, you're just playing with my heart."

"Is that so, I didnt think I could." Kirishima said not realizing how close their faces were to each other.

"You said you know how I feel, I would like you to tell me how I feel." Bakugo said still holding the neckline of kirishima's shirt.

"I wont." Kirishima said. "I think you should tell me how you feel."

"Fine then," Bakugo said as he moved a little closer to kirishima.

"I feel like you are my only friend. That I can tell you anything and you won't judge me. That you didn't give up on me that first day when I tried to push you away. I feel like I want to be with you all the time. And that my feelings for you are the only thing that's kept me sane. But I realize that I don't want to be your friend, I want to be more. I cant tell you how I really feel because I know that if I do it'll push you away. So when you toy with me its hard not to do anyting. Because all I want it for you to love me the way I love you. He leaned forward and Kissed Kirishima.

Bakugo pulled away and released what he just did.

He let go of Kirishima's shirt he backed up, he sat down on the bed.  Then looked down at the floor. "You can go now." Bakugo said knowing he just messed up the only good thing he had.

Kirishima looked at Bakugo. "I know I can go, but why would I want to?" Bakugo looked at him.

"Your my closest friend, not to mention adorable whenever you go on your little angry rants. And I like being with you. You make me feel like I am more then just kirishima, you make me feel important. And I do feel the same way you do, I just... didnt know how to say it. That's why I made those jokes, I thought I would push you away if you found out how I really felt. Kirishima walked over to Bakugo and Bakugo looked up at him.

Kirishima was inches away from Bakugos face when he said. "Because, I love you to Bakugo." He leaned in and kissed Bakugo's lips.

When he pulled away Bakugo looked at him with a shocked face but that quickly changed into anger.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY HAIR FOR BRAINS!? YOU COULD HAVE TOLD ME SOONER BUT YOU JUST HAD TO MESS WITH ME!!" Bakugo started making tiny explosions with his hands.

Kirishima started laughing. "Im not gonna run. I'm happy here even if you're about to blast my face off." Kirishima smiled and pulled Bakugo into another kiss.

My First Friend (A Bakushima Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now