Author's Note

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Hello reader who chose to randomly click on this book and read it. I want to send a huge thank you for clicking!!! *hug*

Disclaimer: Not all of the contents of this book is made by me, some are found from other books or the internet, some are from the things I heard, and some, I just came up with and used sometimes.

Hope this will be useful to you all whether it be in real life or in text. And hopefully it could lighten your mood and put a smile to your face. And I don't mean to offend anyone and if it does offend you, I am terribly sorry it did.

This book could also contain some random stuff that I added for fun 😋

💛 someone else
💜 you

So without further a do, let's get started!

P.S. y'all look good when you smile *wink*
P.P.P.S. even if I don't personally know you or I don't know who you are...still love you *kiss*

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