Chapter 7

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"Fascinating." Valka said, after swallowing a mouthful of bread. You sat across the small, wooden table from her, with Viggo at your side.  You and Viggo had explained your discovery to Valka when you had arrived back at the nest. You knew keeping secrets from her would be no way to gain her trust and, besides, she might be able to help you uncover the meaning behind what you had found.

"How exactly did you find this cave?" she asked, "I've lived here for years, but never come across anything like what you've described."

"Well, I didn't find it actually. " you admitted, "Sclera led us there." At his name, the majestic Skrill lifted his head from the cave floor. He and Amethyst had been resting side by side on the rocky floor, to the side of the table. His bright, yellow eyes caught yours as you continued to explain.

"At least, he flew into a storm and Amethyst followed, which I still don't understand as she usually hates storms."

"I see." Valka responded.

"And you returned with Viggo this morning, correct?"

"Yes." Viggo replied, "I was able to assist in translating some of the inscriptions."

"Which, of course, was your number one priority after sustaining four arrow wounds." Valka snapped. For a moment you held your breath, unsure of how Viggo would respond to being scolded. However, when Valka lifted her head to meet Viggo's gaze, you could see an amused grin had swept across her face.

'Phew!' you thought to yourself, mentally wiping your forehead.

"I'm more than fine now." Viggo assured her, "Besides, Sclera did most of  the work." he added. You still couldn't get over the fact that Viggo Grimborn, the former leader of the dragon hunters, had formed such an inseparable bond so quickly with a Skrill. It was already as if they had known each other for a lifetime. Deep down, you supposed, they were very alike.

"I wish I could assist you in deciphering the possible meaning of all of this, but I doubt I would be of much use. I'm afraid I've never heard of anything like it." Valka answered.

"There were also illustrations on the walls." you added.

"Depicting the hunting of dragons. More specifically, Night Furies." remarked Viggo.

"Now that, I have heard about..."Valka began, furrowing her eyebrows in anger, and jabbing her food quite violently with a fork.

"You know about Night Furies?" you queried. From the moment you had set foot in the nest, you had kept a particular eye out for Night Furies. After Hiccup's search for them for so long, you were intrigued to know if they could be found here. But, so far, you hadn't seen any.

"A little." she responded. Her voice sounded distant, as though she was recounting something from her past. "They are an extremely rare species of dragon, as I am sure you both know. However, in recent years, they have become scarcer than ever. I'm afraid there will not be much hope for the continuation of the species, unless something is done soon."

"Hove you ever encountered one yourself?" Viggo asked.

"I've observed them from afar. But, that was a long time ago. You see, the Night Fury is such an elusive, dragon it is virtually impossible to get near enough to tame one or even to let it know that you are not a threat."

"I suspect over-hunting would be the cause of that." Viggo considered, before quickly averting his eyes to his plate.

"I guess the excessive hunting must have caused them to develop a weariness towards humans." you concluded.

"Exactly. In ancient times, Night Furies were excessively hunted for their impenetrable pelts for armor, and retractable teeth that were used for daggers and other weapons ." she informed you, "And then, of course, their powerful plasma blasts made them extremely feared dragons among vikings. They were killed at any opportunity. Now, naturally, they live secretive lives, as far out of the reach of vikings as possible. I've only ever seen a few from a distance in my lifetime, but that was years ago. I suppose they must all have fled to safety now. Either that, or..."

Mysteries Beyond (Dragons RTTE Fanfic  - Sequel to Deception)Where stories live. Discover now