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sooo...i decided to unpublish the whole story and republish them once im done editing them, thank you guys for the all love and support!.

"thats all for todays chezca tuesdays storytimes, thank you all so much for tuning in and i hope to see you tomorrow!, goodbye." i smile and wave to the camera before i turnt it off, im gonna edit this later im too lazy to do it now.

i just had finished filming one of my tuesday storytimes, im a relatively small youtuber with 1k subscribers subscribed to my channel. im hoping to grow and gain for subscribers as the years go by and be a well known youtuber like maybe LDShadowLady or Jennxpenn. on the desk next to me lay a glass of water which i reach and drink refreshing my body with the soothing cold water.


three knocks at the front door. i checked the time using my watch on my right wrist.


who could be knocking on my door at 2PM?, regardless of the questions i make my way downstairs and to the front door, i carefully opened the door and met with a woman who is pale as can be, wearing thorn, raggedy old clothes. i immediately felt a sense of empathy towards her i was about to ask her what she was doing but she beat me to it.

"A telegram for Ms.Willa."
the pale woman says, her voice soft and calm. and she hands me a letter with a red big stamp on it with the name, T.B.S.

behind the letter, a word is written down, hostess.

curious i asked pale woman how she knew my name and who sent the letter, but when i looked up she was nowhere to be seen. a bit scared i closed my door cautiously and head to my living room to open up the letter and read its contents.

"Dear Ms. Franchezca Willa,
   You are one of the lucky participants chosen to participate in a small gathering between big top youtubers, a ball to be precise.

   but its held in the 5th century, any items brought from the time after the 5th century, with you will turn invisible and the kingdom shall never appear to you.

behind the letter is a role for you to fulfill, you must dress accordingly. but not only your outfit but your attitude must reflect of the time period, a palfrey will come and pick you up in due time, there will be people and creatures that know their place whom you will interact with.


"this is gotta be a joke." i chuckled lightly.


As i was peacefully reading my book,
a sudden knock at my front door shook me out of my reading trance.

i checked my phone, its quite late why is someone knocking at my door quite so late?. then it hit me, the letter, i looked out my window and saw a horse and a man at my front door patiently waiting, im assuming for me.

i quickly put on my outfit, a overflowing deep red dress, long flared sleeves the end of the sleeves having golden lines, the dress' bottom having part having a slit down the middle, the sides of the slit having the same gold pattern as the bottom of the sleeves.

i had difficulties putting the dress on considering its length but otherwise its really pretty, i take one look at my mirror and head downstairs, remembering what the letter said about bringing modern items so i left my phone, keys, bag and everything behind.

with only a dress, shoes, and myself, i make my way outside, the sky darkening from light to dark, the man leads me to his horse and gently guides me to get on he followed soon after and headed to unknown destination.


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