3|dragon of demise

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"what was that?!." princess looked around panicking as the other guests wondered and panicked as well.

"i think we should go and check it out." trevor suggested and started walking to the front doors of the castle, the other guests protested against it but he didn't listen to them and opened the door.

"as soon as trevor opened the door this scaly long tail like thing and snatches trevor out of nowhere, then this huge terrifying creature peeks in our room and takes marcuz with him and disappears into misty darkness."
Confession End.

"guys what just happened?!," franchezca exclaimed, "marcuz and trevor were both captured!." she added.

captured: marcuz and trevor

"look!, a note!." janel pointed towards the floor where the closed doors used to rest at, she made her way over and picked up the note.

"the dragon rune stone is your next rune but for you to obtain it, you must defeat the dragon of demise and save your two friends. for you to defeat the dragon of demise, you must find the sword of king octillian, the one who defeated the dragon of demise before the sorceress had resurrected it. the path you must take is down the basement."

"ok so we need to split up?, save marcuz and trevor, and find the sword of king octillian to defeat this dragon creature thing?." naiomy half explained but half questioned.

"i think so." janel agreed and so the guests split into two groups, one to the basement and the other to save marcuz and trevor.

"so we get split down the middle, half gets to go and find the sword whilst half go to save marcuz and trevor."
Confessional End

"me, janel, jakob and carl go to the basement whilst franchezca, shayne, eugee and princess go to save our damsels in distress."
Confessional End

franchezca and her group are met with a note,

"If you want to save your friends, you must the old ruins of the dragon's lair and pass all three trials he has prepared."

"so where do dragons typically stay at?," princess asked, the other guests looked at her confuse as if she was the odd one out. "a cave, a huge cave." she added and guests let out an 'oooh' face.

"so we just gotta go around caves and see if they're both there?." eugee questioned, the other guests agreed with his questioning. they couldn't just go around every cave they find, that'd take hours and hours to do and they only have until the sun rises to get out of this hellhole.

"well it said old ruins, so maybe its not a cave? maybe its like i don't know...an old dungeon?." shayne suggested, franchezca immediately asked james if there were any old abandoned dungeons and he quickly lead the guests to a creepy part of the kingdom so very eerily quiet.

"this is unusually quiet..." franchezca rose her defenses at the statement. the guests finally arrived at what seemed like an old abandoned tower, the tower stood at least 50 feet long
5 feet taller than a bus if it were to stand up right.

the guests looked at each other anticipating for the worst but what greeted them is something much unexpected, a note. shayne quickly grabs the note and reads it.

"the trapdoor that can lead you to the
dungeon is embedded with magic that locked the trapdoor, to unlock it you need the wizard's spell book and wand, they both can be found upstairs where you will face many trials."

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