4|wicked request

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The guests taken aback step backward except for one, Princess.

She makes her way to the door with the others begging her not to open it, some even saying the dragon might be back but she opens it regardless.

she makes her way to the front door to open it, once she does, a woman falls to her arms crying. Princess soothed the woman down by rubbing her hand on the woman's back and asked her what was wrong.

"he's going to bury my sister alive." The woman replied. Immediately the guests felt a sense of empathy towards her except for one.

"I dont trust this bitch, she seems sketchy but she's our only lead on what to do next so I guess I have to trust her for now until she turns her back."
End of Confessional

"My name is Waverly and my sister Wynonna is in grave danger by the hands of a powerful man." She cried, Princess continued to console her.

"As much as we want to help, we cant. We have a mission tonight and its for tonight only." Franchezca informed the Waverly but this only lead to Waverly screaming loudly before she composed herself and brought out a rune stone.

"This is the rune stune of the Undead, ill give it to you if you promise to save my sister." She negotiated. The guests all huddled around whispering indistinctly before marcuz finally popped up and said a crispy 'yes.'

Waverly jumped and smiled in excitement, and even hugged him, thanking him profusely. Marcuz just chuckled at the unexpected response.

"Do you have anything that can help us pin point where your sister is?" Marcuz asked and Waverly immediately brought out a scrapped piece of paper from her pockets and gave it to Marcuz.

As Marcuz read the note, the others gathered around him.

"Pay your fee's or death you shall face. -Titan."

"Titan? I know that man he's a dollshop owner. Follow me." James informed the guests as he led them (With Emerald, Lancelot and Wavery trailing behind) to Titan's dollshop.

The guests arrive but as Shayne tried to open the door, it seemed to be locked with a number code. "Guys, look!" Princess pointed to the door, it seemed to have some sort of note.

She started to read it as the others remained silent,

Amanda Siezer, 18 years of age, a maiden.

Patrick Todd a man of decency, 24 quite the age.

Eli Fortner, a scorned woman at the age of 20.

If put together, quite the person it makes."

"So we have all these names and all these numbers but they dont seem to add up but towards the end, it says something about being put together-
End of confessional

"So naturally, i started to add them one by one."
End of confessional

"Try 62?" Trevor suggested to Princess but she does so hesitantly and when the numbers click and the door opens, they celebrate and thank Trevor.

"Wasnt surprised that it worked,
Im a pretty smart guy if I dont say so myself."
End of confessional.

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