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2 months later

''I can't believe it!'' Federico screams to his friends. Walking through the living room. He couldn't believe she did that to him ''I can'' Francesca says to him and everyone looked at her. ''Same here!'' Camilla says, who sit next to Francesca.

''Oh and why?'' Diego asks the girls. ''Come on! Didn't you see the video?'' All the boys shake their heads, but Ludmilla and Naty didn't ''We watched it together.'' Francesca nods her head with a smile. 

''I am happy for Leon and Violetta. They are cute together.'' Naty says and all the girls nods their heads. Federico huffs and shakes his head. He still couldn't believe that Leon and Violetta are together and kept it a secret for a whole month! 

''And Violetta is our friend, You mad at Leon not Violetta! Can't she be happy? She is there always for you and now you have a fight with Leon you are not supporting her?'' Federico did felt guilty about it, but he still couldn't believe it. 

He is right! Not Leon or Violetta! Leon needs to say sorry first, but he doesn't. The boys look at the girls for a moment, before they get up and walk out of the room, except for Federico. "What are they going to do now?" Federico sighs and shakes his head before he sits down on the couch.

''Come one Fede. just watch their video, you would understand! "The girls try to persuade Federico but without success. He is too stubborn for this, Camilla thinks, shaking her head at her boyfriend.

in the meantime the boys are watching outside the video of Violetta and Leon. At the end they look at each other and sigh. "We're wrong, not Leon or Violetta. we are really terrible friends!" Diego says and everyone nods their heads.

"What will they think of us ?!" Maxi says and everyone thinks for a moment. '' I will go to Leon immediately to apologize, also to Vilu. '' Broadway tells the boys. "We're going with you."

After half an hour the boys and girls leave, They told the girls when they were all in their cars. The girls always wanted to talk to Violetta. If she was with Leon.

Except for Camilla, who was still with Federico, he hoped he would watch the video. '' Please babe! just look! "Federico sighs and looks at his girlfriend, he thinks for a moment and then nods his head anyway.

Camila smiles at him and quickly gives him a kiss on his lips before she quickly grabs her laptop. "Where is the laptop?" She says to herself and looks everywhere in the room. "Maybe he's in the kitchen." She runs down the stairs and walks into the kitchen, but he is not there either.

'' Fede I can not find my laptop! '' She walks to the living room, but stands still when he looks up with tears. "" What's up ?! "" She walks quickly to him and takes him in her arms.

"I'm really a bad friend!" "He sobs.

"I'm really a bad friend!" "He sobs

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