it's not your fault 4

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Trigger warning
Suicide attempt
Self harm
Panic attacks
And all around sad 😭😭😭😭

Roman P.O.V
It's been an hour since I found Virgil I'm so heartbroken, it's all my fault . I can't even force myself to leave the room until he wakes up. I need to tell him that I am so so sorry.

Logan P.O.V
Patton has not stopped crying since we saw Virgil, he's cried for an hour straight and it's starting to concern me. He's been sitting in the corner of Virgil's room hugging a piece of paper. I had hugged him and told him that Virgil when most likely be okay. But he still didn't stop crying. Roman on the other hand don't leave Virgil's bedside, and he keeps saying things under his breath about this being his fault. Virgil seems to be getting better though his color has returned. But he seems to be burning up, and sweating. I asked Roman if he can move so that I could take Virgil's hoodie off, because I knew Virgil always had a t-shirt on under his hoodies and he was burning up .But when I remove Virgil's hoodie and saw his arms it didn't help matters any. I was the only one who saw, Patton was still in the corner and Roman is looking at the floor. So I placed his arms under his blanket. So nobody would have to see, knowing now why Virgil always wear a hoodie or jacket.

Patton P.O.V
I could have done something better. I could have done something better. It's what I keep repeating in my head. I could have SHOULD have been a better friend. And he could have died he almost died and it would have been on my fault. I opened up Virgil's closet and found his classic black hoodie, I took off the cardigan around my neck and replaced it with the hoodie. I got up and walked over to Logan he was folding Virgil's hoodie and placing it on the bed. He told me that Virgil is burning up so he took it off him. He told me if I needed to talk about what was going on I could come to him if I needed it, and I thanked him. He told me and Roman in might be awhile before Virgil where to wake up, and that it was getting late and that we should probably go to bed that Virgil would be fine for now. But Roman insisted on staying just in case he were to wake up. And me and Logan went to bed.

Roman P.O.V
Logan told me that I should go to bed and,there is no way I was going to bed. I told him I'd stay with Virgil for the night. Just in case he were to wake up, they both said okay and they went to bed. They had went to bed around 11:38 P.M I ended up laying my head down on Virgil's desk. And drifted off to sleep. I woke up at 3:56 A.M and looked over at Virgil he was still asleep. I hear noises coming from across the hall, and I knew Patton's room was right across the hall from Virgil's. So I went to go check on him, Patton was crying in his bed. I went over to go comfort him he had told me he had a nightmare. Where we didn't get to Virgil and time. Hearing that broke my heart more knowing that he had probably taken this the hardest. I assured him that none of this would have been his fault. I told him if anyone were to blame for this it would be me. And within 5 minutes he was asleep again. Laid him back down on his bed and made my way back to Virgil's room. But when I got there the door was closed, and I hadn't close the door when I left. And it went to go tell Patton and in Logan that he was awake!

Virgil P.O.V
I woke up in shock I was alive. I wasn't supposed to be. That means that someone must have found me. I set up and realize I didn't have my hoodie on, someone must have scene me arms too. I was freaking out this point I saw that my door was open to so I immediately got up and shut it. I look over at my desk and see that Patton's note was gone. So I knew that Patton must have known, and it's probably blame himself for the whole thing. But I also know that Logan has been in here I saw his notepad on my bedside table. And then I knew that Roman had been here to because I heard him gasp when he saw my door was closed. And when I heard him I knew that everyone knew. I started having a panic attack ,of all the things that could possibly happen now. They're going to think you're a freak. It kept repeating over and over in my head. FREAK!!!

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