His Brother and New Friends

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Jimin's POV

I woke up in my apartment with the sun shining right into my eyes. I had to get up early even though I have afternoon classes, because Jin hyung wanted me to come into work today for training. He said it would be best to do it today since it won't be as busy as other days. I could already feel my boxers were soaking wet. I'm sure something happened again last night while I slept, but I'm not sure what it was. That's another downside to having this disorder, I never remember how or what I do at night to cum like this. The only reason I know something happens is because Jin hyung told me, and helped me more than once when he could. It was hard to believe the things he told me I did to myself or to him when we lived together. The only thing that made me believe what was going on, (besides Jin hyung, because I knew he wouldn't lie to me) was that he set up tapes at night to record my actions. I always thought maybe I should set up cameras in my apartment, but I'm too scared of what I'll fine once I watched them.

I don't have time to think about it right now. I need to get ready for my first day. I get out of bed and pull my soiled underwear off throwing them into my dirty hamper of clothes. I walk to my bathroom and take a quick shower before getting dress and heading to my kitchen. I don't really have that much food, but it's ok because I don't eat as much anyway. I grab a small water bottle and a power bar and head out, locking my apartment door behind me. Once I make it to Jin hyung's restaurant I almost have a heart attack when someone jumps on my back, and almost knocks me over.

"No way hyung you work here too!!" My eyes widen when I turn to look at Tae. "You work here too Tae?" He gave me his precious box smile and a peace sign like he just won his favorite game. "Yeah I asked Jin hyung for a job once I found out he owned his own restaurant. Oh yeah someone else works here as well. One second." I watched as he ran to the back curious to know who else was here. I walked to the bar where Jin hyung was to grab my uniform. "I hope it's the right size for you mochi. I didn't get it too big, but not too small as well." I smiled from Jin hyungs kindness. I really couldn't survive without this man. "I'm sure it's perfect hyung. If it's not the right size I'll let you know." He smiled and ruffled my hair. "Ok you can go change in the back, and let Tae and the other kid know to come to the front so I can start you three training." I went to the back where the lockers were to change into my uniform. I saw Tae pulling on another guys arm trying to make him leave the back half dressed.

"Come on Felix I want you to meet my hyung. He's so adorable just like you." I could see he was uncomfortable with Tae pulling his arm so I finally stepped in. "Ok Tae leave him alone. You're making him uncomfortable." He looked up with the sweetest little doe eyes I've ever seen. He looked young, but much younger than me. "I'm Jimin by the way, nice to meet you Felix. I hope you enjoy working with us, and I'm sorry about Tae here." I pat Tae's head, and I swear if he had a tail it would be wagging non stop. "He's really sweet, but he can over excited about a lot of things." He finally smiled and my heart melted he looked so precious.

"I'm Felix, and I'm only 17. I'll be 18 in September." He bowed to me and Tae smiling shyly at us both. "Please t-treat me kindly."


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