More Surprises

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Third Person's POV

"Yoongi? Is that you?"

Jimin just stared at the woman before him. She was absolutely beautiful with her pitch black hair, her piercing eyes, and her thick pink lips. Jimin glanced at Yoongi who still hasn't said anything at all. Did Yoongi think she was pretty? Jimin grabbed onto Yoongi's pink with his entire hand, starting to become self conscious. He didn't know why he started to feel this way, but he know it wasn't a good feeling this woman was here. His feeling was even more right, when the woman suddenly grabbed Yoongi, hugging him tightly. Jimin didn't know what to do, especially when Yoongi pulled away from Jimin to hug said woman back. Jimin felt his heart crack a little. Jimin didn't notice Yoongi was actually pushing the woman away.

"It's so good to see you again Yoongi. How have you been?" She smiled brightly as if Yoongi wasn't glaring daggers into her skull.

"What the fuck are you doing here Sunmi?" Jimin was still a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't say anything as the two talked. The woman, Sunmi as Jimin just learned just pouted at Yoongi. Jimin felt bad, why was Yoongi being mean to her? Suddenly she turned to face Jimin, sticking her hand out to introduce herself.

 Jimin felt bad, why was Yoongi being mean to her? Suddenly she turned to face Jimin, sticking her hand out to introduce herself

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"Hi. I'm Sunmi. You must be Yoongi bear's new girlfriend." Jimin didn't like the way she addressed his Yoongi, but still smiled trying to be polite. Yoongi pulled Jimin's hand away from her, his death glare still piercing her entire body.

"You know damn well Jimin is a guy you bitch."

"Yoonie, it's ok." Jimin tried to calm his boyfriend down, but it wasn't working. Yoongi was so frustrated seeing Sunmi after all these years. How can she act like nothing happened all those years ago. It was her fault he almost lost his life, it was her fault he lost his parents love, it was all her fault he left high school without finishing because of all the rumors, everything was her fault, and here she was perfectly fine like nothing happened. 

"Oh I'm sorry. He's just so pretty I thought he was a girl. You always had great taste Yoongi bear." There it was again. The nickname Jimin hated. She talked as if his Yoonie was hers. Jimin couldn't be quiet anymore, he had to ask.

"Yoonie, who is she?" Jimin whispered to Yoongi, but not quiet enough. 

"He didn't tell you about me? I'm his girlfriend from high school. I heard Yoongi bear was still here so I came back to see him." Jimin's heart started beating fast. What was she talking about?

"W-What do you m-mean?" Yoongi glanced at Jimin, worry written all over his face as he watched his boyfriend try to hold back his tears.

"I came to get Yoongi bear and bring him back home. His parents heard my story and thought we should marry for our families companies. After I told them it was all my fault, they said I wasn't to blame." Sunmi just smiled like nothing she said was wrong. Jimin couldn't take anymore, running off on his own. His heart hurt so bad. Was Yoongi really going to leave him? Was he going to go back home to his family? And what about this stupid marriage? Was Yoongi really going to go through with it just because his family said so? Jimin wasn't paying attention to where he was running until he bumped into someone, falling backwards.

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