The Sleepover (Part One)

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Third Person's POV

Yoongi stood behind Jimin, sadly watching him throw up into the toilet for the 4th time in the past hour. Jimin suddenly woke up, pushing Yoongi off of him in the process as he ran to the bathroom to throw up everything in his stomach. Yoongi didn't know what to do. He tried to bring Jimin some food, but just the smell made the smaller male throw up even more. He at least got the younger to drink some water, but some good that did with him throwing it right back up. He tried to call Jin in a panic, but he figured he didn't answer because it was a work day for the older. 

"H-hyung?" Yoongi jolted out of his thoughts, rushing over to his boyfriend in an instant.

"What is it baby? Do you need anything? Are you done throwing up? Should I call the hospital?"

Jimin giggled at his caring boyfriend's panicked state. He just had a small stomach ache, what was his hyung panicking so much for?

"Hyung I'm ok really. It's just a small stomach ache. I just need to lay down for a little while, and I'll be good as new." Yoongi still looked worried, but if anything got worse he would just take his boyfriend to the hospital. 

"Fine, fine, but you better tell me if you get worse, understood?" Jimin smiled as his heart swelled with happiness. He was so lucky to have such a sweetheart of a man. Yoongi helped him stand up so the younger could brush his teeth. Panic started to set inside Yoongi once more when he noticed Jimin's tears. He turned Jimin around to face him as he felt his heart clench.

"Baby d-don't cry please. I wasn't trying to be mean, I was just worried about you." Jimin shook his head smiling brightly at his boyfriend, as he wrapped his small arms around his boyfriend's neck.

"S-Sorry for being a c-crybaby hyung. I d-don't know why I'm c-crying, but I'm just so h-happy to have you." Yoongi felt his own tears blur his vision, wrapping his arms around his beautiful boyfriend. Even after last night, Jimin still accepted him, still cared for him, and he didn't push Yoongi away. 

"You're not a crybaby at all, and I'm the one whose happy to have you pretty boy. I'm so happy to have you." Yoongi pulled Jimin from around his neck, pulling him into a deep kiss, one hand in the younger's hair pulling gently the other wrapped around his small curvy waist. Jimin whimpered into the kiss Yoongi swallowing his adorable sounds in the process. Both males pulled away, gasping for air as they looked each other in the eyes with so much love.

"Hey pretty boy, how about we go on a date tonight?"

"A d-date?" Jimin's cheeks turned pink with embarrassment. He's never been on a date before let alone been asked on one. He covered his face with his small chubby hands, but nodded with such enthusiasm. Yoongi pulled his hands down from his face, holding them in his much larger ones as he smiled at his adorable boyfriend.

"You're so cute pretty boy." Yoongi kisses Jimin's forehead gently, stroking his left cheek with his thumb.

"H-Hyung stoooop. You're e-embarrassing me." Yoongi chuckles kiss Jimin's pouty lips.

"But it's the truth. My boyfriend is sooooooo cuuuuuute." 


"Ok, ok. I'll stop teasing you. Do you think you can eat anything now, I can make something light if you want?"

"Hmm that would be lovely." Jimin squealed in happiness as Yoongi threw him over his shoulder, giving his ass a small smack as he did. Jimin blushed even more, whining out a small hyung with embarrassment. Jimin didn't have on anything but Yoongi's large t-shirt so he felt the smack directly. Yoongi sat him down on one of the bar stools at his island in the kitchen, Jimin making sure to pull his shirt down to cover his butt.

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